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AuthorTopic:   Star Wars May Cost Me My Job: Episode 7
THX 1204
posted 07-30-1999 08:25 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for THX 1204     Edit/Delete Message
Yeah I read about the 12 Killings this morning, a real tragedy. Put a lot into perspective....

Glad you're okay SandFarmer!

On a lighter note I'm coming close to moaning at members for posting the same thing over, and over i.e Darth Maul in Ep 2. type of posts, it's like they think they're relly smart for not posting Sidous=Palpatine but are doing almost exactly that!

We should convert them to slack more - then they'd know whats on all the threads!

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Red One
posted 07-30-1999 08:33 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Red One     Edit/Delete Message
I have just recently started slacking here but I already like it. I am doing nothing right now, except dreaming about Star Wars, etc.. and...

I am thinking about you, Atlanta

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C Creepio
posted 07-30-1999 08:53 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio   Click Here to Email C Creepio     Edit/Delete Message
Uh.....Some of you need to go back and re-read page 7 of this thread. There is an important message from your leader, C Creepio (aka, me) that seems to have been ignored. TarynS, you may find it most interesting.

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C Creepio
posted 07-30-1999 08:53 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio   Click Here to Email C Creepio     Edit/Delete Message

[This message has been edited by C Creepio (edited 07-30-1999).]

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posted 07-30-1999 09:14 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for QASM   Click Here to Email QASM     Edit/Delete Message
A6, I hope you haven't left for TN yet, but I got some more bad news today. Well, I don't know if it's bad so much as interesting and typical. I can't get to my email cuz someone else is on my computer (I'm on the student's), but give me a ring at work if you can later on. Or I will try and email you when this chick gets done doing whatever she's doing, but I have no idea how long she'll be...


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posted 07-30-1999 09:17 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Sandfarmer     Edit/Delete Message
Good morning everyone. Thanks for all the concern for QASM's and mine fair city of Atlanta. That shooting was very sad. Just to put it in perspective, I work about two blocks from where it happened and drive by there every day to and from work. With my job, I drive around the city a lot and was just down in Morrow where the guy lived earlier in the week. I am from a small town in Virginia originaly so this was the closest I had ever been to a major tragedy.

On the good side, (if there can be one) a lot of my friends and relatives I had not heard from for a while called last night to make sure I was fine. It is good to be loved.

On a sad note, I hear these jerks on the radio as I'm driving into work, and instead of giving condolences they are saying that if there were no gun laws and everyone carried a gun this would have never happened. I'm like what??!!! If everyone had guns we'd all be shooting each other over the last doughnut. God knows if I carried a gun, I'd be shooting at people on the interstate everyday. I just think it is absurd to use this tragedy to promote the NRA. Oh well, I'll get down off my soapbox and start slacking again...

Jedi Soul--thanks for the Natalie pic, you've made my day.

MANDATORY SPOILER: The first word spoken in the entire SW saga is "Captain".

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posted 07-30-1999 09:19 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for QASM   Click Here to Email QASM     Edit/Delete Message
Oh and I want to thank all of you for thinking of us here in Atlanta, particularly dapper_bloke, THX, gundark, Red One. The city is really in a somber mood today. I'm sorry I'm not my usual jovial self, but it's really affected everyone. Supposedly it's the largest mass murder in GA history. It's days like this that make you remember how precious life is. Boy, all my posts are turning into philosophical musings on life, so I think I'm gonna give you all a break!

I hope you all have a great weekend!


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posted 07-30-1999 09:21 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for HydroSpammer     Edit/Delete Message
You're the best poster in the business, hands down. I posted an episode II title in another thread that you may like -
Star Wars 2: The Wrath of Porkins.

Damn, it's Friday and I've been slacking all week. Too late to catch up on "w" now, after all it's Friday.

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posted 07-30-1999 09:33 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Antares_six   Click Here to Email Antares_six     Edit/Delete Message
Sandfarmer...glad to hear you're okay. I was worried about Q because when I first heard about it they weren't saying where it happened. Glad I was way on the other side of town teaching in Lithonia. Although I've taught in Stockbridge a couple of times...which radio station were you listening to? I stopped listening to 99X because all they did was make fun of SW fans then I stopped listening to 96 rock because they were making fun of JFK Jr. So now I just listen to NPR.

Q...what's up?

Amidala's Suitor...Any Shiner Bock left? Or Shiner Blonde or Shiner Honey Wheat or...have you tried the new one yet? Is hasn't made it this far east.

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posted 07-30-1999 09:39 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for gundark     Edit/Delete Message

i've searched the 7th page.

" What is thy bidding , my master ? "

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posted 07-30-1999 09:43 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Antares_six   Click Here to Email Antares_six     Edit/Delete Message
Forgot my spoiler...

Space is cold

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posted 07-30-1999 09:43 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Antares_six   Click Here to Email Antares_six     Edit/Delete Message
Forgot my spoiler...

Space is cold

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Amidala's Suitor
posted 07-30-1999 09:45 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Amidala's Suitor   Click Here to Email Amidala's Suitor     Edit/Delete Message
Good morning all Slackers!! Well, I heard about Atlanta this morning on the way to work as well, and after reading your posts Sandfarmer, I'm glad to see you and QASM are both ok. This kind of thing always really gets to me, especially when children are involved. So anyway, I'm sorry to hear about that, MTFBWY both.

Anakin gets his pod racer working.

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posted 07-30-1999 09:46 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Antares_six   Click Here to Email Antares_six     Edit/Delete Message
Sorry for the double post, I got distracted.

Q...enough suspense already! I can only deal with so much bad news in my life!

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C Creepio
posted 07-30-1999 09:53 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio   Click Here to Email C Creepio     Edit/Delete Message
Yeah, everyone needs to go to page 7 and read the Official Slacker Awards.
It's motivational.

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posted 07-30-1999 10:02 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for QASM   Click Here to Email QASM     Edit/Delete Message
A6, you've got mail

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posted 07-30-1999 10:03 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Antares_six   Click Here to Email Antares_six     Edit/Delete Message
Q...I don't have your work or cell # with must contact me!

Spoiler...the Naboo think their brains are big.

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Senator Binks2
posted 07-30-1999 10:08 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Senator Binks2     Edit/Delete Message
Glad everyone's ok. It felt odd hearing about the shooting *as* it was happening. They had the news story splashed all across the front page of the newspapers this morning, and all I could think about was knowing about it fifteen hours earlier. It gives you a completely different perspective on this kind of thing.

Anti gun-control people scare me. By their logic, nuclear proliferation is a good thing -- "nukes don't kill people...." It's terrible that innocent people have to die because some numb-nut feels that *registering* their firearm is an infringement on civil liberties.

In good news, though, I spent a while last night developing a 3D masthead for the SWMCMMJ web-site. (Hey, wasn't doing anything else....) It's looking pretty decent right now -- but I could use a photo of a nice office building to blow up with Tie Fighters or something. Anyone want to volunteer theirs? If so... just send a JPG/GIF to me by e-mail please ( I'll see what I can do.

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Amidala's Suitor
posted 07-30-1999 10:12 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Amidala's Suitor   Click Here to Email Amidala's Suitor     Edit/Delete Message
Jedi Soul, refer to Creepio's post on page 1
ranking everyone in the slacker forum for my Navy references. (If you should decide you would like a position in the Slacker Navy, let me know and it's yours.)

Creepio, the awards were truly inspired and motivational. Rest assured, I will slack much more next week, seeing as I have now been given even more to strive for in the ways of the Slack.

Mace Windu is a Bad Muthaf***er.

[This message has been edited by Amidala's Suitor (edited 07-30-1999).]

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Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 07-30-1999 10:14 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS   Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS     Edit/Delete Message
Man, Im slowing down. Damn computer soo stinkin' slow.

QASM you are most wise and honorable. I wasn't aware that you were near Atlanta, I must have forgoten. To you, and Sandfarmer, my thoughts are with you. MTFBWY both and your family.

And Creepio thanks for sending me back to the 7th page That picture puts a smile on my face like you wouldn't believe.

Master Creepio,

Slowly approachs The Master and goes down to one kneee
Wow, poster of the Week! I do not deserve such an honor. My only wish is to be one with the Slack like you, Master C Creepio I shall make certain that I do not dissapoint you, Master.
bows head, and fades out

Slack hard and slack often my fellow slaker brothers and siters.

spoiler:Obi Wan will be in Episode 2 and 3!!

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Amidala's Suitor
posted 07-30-1999 10:22 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Amidala's Suitor   Click Here to Email Amidala's Suitor     Edit/Delete Message
Oh, and one more thing, Jedi Soul, thanks for the pics. They were ok, I guess. (JK!)

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posted 07-30-1999 10:24 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Antares_six   Click Here to Email Antares_six     Edit/Delete Message
I hearby call a meeting of the Atlanta slackers (next week, when I get home from TN). What say you Q and Sandfarmer? Up for some TPMing?

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C Creepio
posted 07-30-1999 10:25 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio   Click Here to Email C Creepio     Edit/Delete Message
Binks: if you can pull a SWMCMMJ website, as Yoda is my witness, I will resign my leadership to you, young senator.

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posted 07-30-1999 10:38 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for QASM   Click Here to Email QASM     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks for the card A6. I needed that.

A meeting of the ATL branch of SWMCMMJ to go TPMing sounds splendid...especially if we call in sick to go! Sandfarmer..what say u?


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posted 07-30-1999 10:38 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Antares_six   Click Here to Email Antares_six     Edit/Delete Message
Oh and mentioned figures a while back...all the KB toys in the area are holding the new ones in the back...that's where I got my second Captain Tarpals (first one's from Electronics Boutique, they have good stuff but you pay a ton for it) and both our OOM-9's. You're right though, still no droidekas. I heard a wild rumor someone found a Jedi Anakin at a Wal-Mart in Gwinnett, but when I went there and asked they said they're putting out all the old one first. Hope this helps!

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THX 1204
posted 07-30-1999 10:48 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for THX 1204     Edit/Delete Message
My job s*cks....

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Vrian Sinth
posted 07-30-1999 11:05 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Vrian Sinth   Click Here to Email Vrian Sinth     Edit/Delete Message
Glad to see you're OK Sandfarmer. Two blocks away!! That's gotta be freaky!! My condolences go out to everybody.

So did you all sleep well last night? (Those who slept

YAWN....Looks like I'll be taking another one of those *ork slack naps!!

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posted 07-30-1999 11:13 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for gundark     Edit/Delete Message
please elaborate THX.

what seems to be the trouble ?

on another note. any more slackers in the DC
area besides Intriuge 007 ?

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posted 07-30-1999 11:17 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Antares_six   Click Here to Email Antares_six     Edit/Delete Message
Made a "B" in astronomy...slacking and all...

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Obi Two
posted 07-30-1999 11:17 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two     Edit/Delete Message
Good morning all! I am glad to hear you are OK Sandfarmer. Yesterday you posted that the shooting was near you and then we didn't hear from you again, I was sort of worried. I love coming in and catching up on the slack in the morning. I think I get here just in time for the East Coast Lunchtime Lull, oh well. Creepio, the awards were inspiring. It's great to know that slacking can reach such grand heights.

Spoiler: Padme thinks the Queen wouldn't approve of Qui Gon's actions.

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posted 07-30-1999 11:22 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Antares_six   Click Here to Email Antares_six     Edit/Delete Message
Well Grandma lives in Fairfax...she's a slacker too although not of the Star Wars variety...she quit her (volunteer) job at the White House because it interferred with her golf game! I'll be up there for time for TPM to be rereleased for the holidays...maybe we can catch a show!

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Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 07-30-1999 11:27 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS   Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS     Edit/Delete Message
Man, it was easier for me to slack at the office then it is for me to slack at home. Who'd a thought.

Hey Gundark Im due to be neart he DC area by next weekend. I'll be arriving in Maryland on Saturday afternoon, so if you and Intrigue007 are free Sunday Im up for some TPMing. Just like Q, Ant, and Sandfarmer before us. What say you?

theory: The pilot of the Jedi/Ambassidor craft a girl?

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posted 07-30-1999 11:28 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Antares_six   Click Here to Email Antares_six     Edit/Delete Message
Off to class...have a swell day weekend etc.


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posted 07-30-1999 11:31 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for gundark     Edit/Delete Message
hmmmm. parental units are in town this weekend for a big shindig. ( they live in Mass ) so i'll be with them, but on any other
occasion i'm always up for some TMP'ing...

i've worn out all my friends...

i'll provide details on how to contact me later. Creepio has my e-mail...

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Jedi Soul
posted 07-30-1999 11:37 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Soul   Click Here to Email Jedi Soul     Edit/Delete Message
Well, gee Suitor.....
I read the first page and I see your an admiral. Uh, I'm not good at ranking terms, so whatever position you have will be fine. I'd love to join the slacker navy !(although I'm also head writer...)

C Creepio...
Thanks for the award of "Post of the Week"! Hey, I wanted to see those pics as much as you!!!!! It is interesting however that after you post something like that, you find out who on this thread is a guy and who's a girl... ...

To Everybody Down In Georgia...
The first time I heard about this was right here on this thread. So I went and turned on MSNBC to see what was going on... how awful. It's amazing what people will do because of losing money. They also think that he killed his ex-wife and ex-mother in-law like 5 years ago or something. I don't mean to be judgemental, but that a$$hole's going to hell!!!!!

Well, everyone..... guess what movie I'm seeing today..... no, not TPM....
The Blair Witch Project!
Ya see, I don't get scared often, so I thought it was about time I scared the living sh*t out of myself! I'll tell you guys tomorrrow how it was... I'm going to a 12:00AM showing tonight.....


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THX 1204
posted 07-30-1999 11:42 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for THX 1204     Edit/Delete Message
sorry gundark I admit I was a bit brief...

  • Work with idiots (don't we all!)...
  • To much to do...
  • =no time to post
  • Have to come in tommorrow...
  • underpaid

But things are picking up it's Friday Evening (almost) !

[This message has been edited by THX 1204 (edited 07-30-1999).]

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Vrian Sinth
posted 07-30-1999 11:43 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Vrian Sinth   Click Here to Email Vrian Sinth     Edit/Delete Message
My fellow comrads have I got a story for you. About a week and a half ago, my poor car's Catalytic convertor broak down and is blocking my exhaust.

I had no money and couldn't take it in to be fixed. I got paid yesterday and was finally going to take it in to get fixed this afternoon so I could have some trasportation!!

I asked my boss if it would be OK to take the afternoon off (I do nothing anyway) to fix my car. He told me I had to stay, because they needed at least one person in the department, and everybody else is going golfing!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Need I say more.

I am going to slack harder than I've ever slacked and make them know that Vrian Sinth cannot be taunted. SLACK will be my way and SLACK will be my pay!!!

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Dara Starscream
posted 07-30-1999 11:45 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Dara Starscream     Edit/Delete Message
It's dark in here.

Because of the heat wave in Michigan the past few weeks, Consumer's Energy is asking everyone to turn off anything non-essential, and that includes the lights in here. I had to print up a 'Clerks'-esque 'I ASSURE YOU WE ARE OPEN!' sign for the door. Fortunately, we still have the computers (phew!) and above all, the AC.

Q, Sandfarmer, glad to see you're all right.


Sebulba tailgates worse than my aunt.

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Senator Binks2
posted 07-30-1999 11:47 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Senator Binks2     Edit/Delete Message
Know the feeling, gundark. I'm off this weekend to visit relatives I don't even know who live in upper NY... and I wanted to chill this weekend.

<sigh> I hate these quasi-moral family obligations. They're a pain in the ass.

A whole weekend of hot driving and no Internet. "When yousa be tinking wesa in trouble."

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Jedi Soul
posted 07-30-1999 11:49 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Soul   Click Here to Email Jedi Soul     Edit/Delete Message
Gundark and Intriuge 007...
You guys live in D.C.??? I was just there last weekend with my best friend!!!!! That's cool that you have fellow slackers in your city... I live in crappy 'ol Cleveland, OH. I hate this city... ....

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