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AuthorTopic:   Star Wars May Cost Me My Job: Episode 7
posted 07-29-1999 09:02 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Sandfarmer     Edit/Delete Message
Good morning fellow slackers. It is good to see that our Jedi friends across the big pond are keeping the slack alive while we Americans slumber.

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Amidala's Suitor
posted 07-29-1999 09:04 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Amidala's Suitor   Click Here to Email Amidala's Suitor     Edit/Delete Message
Good morning everyone, I'm here at the office and ready to put in another 8 hours of slacking! Gundark, as to your question, I own a pair of Darth Maul boxers and two Princess Leia t-shirts. Also, I'd like to extend a welcome to all new slackers, and end w/ a question. Not to sound like an idiot or anything, but how do you add the little smiley faces to your posts?

Jar Jar almost gets into a fight with a dug, an especially dangerous dug called Sebulba.

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THX 1204
posted 07-29-1999 09:17 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for THX 1204     Edit/Delete Message
Amidala's Suitor

You do one of these : followed by one of these )

Also have you guys seen the my favourite thread forum.. we all can't Nominate SWMCMMJ, nominate poor threads - then when there's a vote.. we will win

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Senator Binks2
posted 07-29-1999 09:23 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Senator Binks2     Edit/Delete Message
Morning guys and gals.

Back at work, back on the Net. Life is like Star Wars: good.

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Amidala's Suitor
posted 07-29-1999 09:28 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Amidala's Suitor   Click Here to Email Amidala's Suitor     Edit/Delete Message
It's that easy?? Ok here goes nothing

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Amidala's Suitor
posted 07-29-1999 09:34 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Amidala's Suitor   Click Here to Email Amidala's Suitor     Edit/Delete Message
Wow, it worked! Thanks, THX, from now on I'll be a smiley face postin' fool!

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posted 07-29-1999 09:40 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for gundark     Edit/Delete Message
arrrrgh !

work piling up. computer moving slow.

must.... post.... must continue... to post...

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C Creepio
posted 07-29-1999 09:41 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio   Click Here to Email C Creepio     Edit/Delete Message
This lady who is anti Star Wars just saw my Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Amidala in-action wallpaper and asked where I got it. I said with confidence "The Internet." Then I pointed at Kenobi and said, "I have the biggest man crush on him."

She turned white, her eyes buldged out. "I've never heard that term before." And she walked away.

Be gone with him!

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Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 07-29-1999 09:42 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS   Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS     Edit/Delete Message
You see Suitor it wasn't that bad. It took me a while to figure it out too. I had been using :-) and it looks pretty messy. I had to use edit on Creepio's post to figure it out. It was his suggestion.
He more then deserves the title Master. He is the truest there ever was.

DLotG , Ford you say? by gollie I think you're right! Funny stuff you got there. It must be Fords. Not even a 5year old is that bad of a shot!
Are you a new member of the Slackers? I don't rememer seeing you posting here before. Welcome Slacker

I just love meeting new Slackers!! It reminds me of the olden days when I was just a junior member looking for a place where everybody knows my name. This is truly the life.
Goor Morrow Slacker Leader C Creepio

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THX 1204
posted 07-29-1999 09:43 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for THX 1204     Edit/Delete Message
No problem...

If you click on the UBB Code Link on Page where you write your replies it shows you how to do others as well & how to post Images.
Like this one!

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Darth Salacious
posted 07-29-1999 09:43 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Darth Salacious     Edit/Delete Message
Morning, y'all. Itsa hot one up north in the Twin Cities. Anyone else sweltering out there?

uh...spoiler...hmm...George Lucas' daughters play Amee (Anakin's friend) and Diva Funquita (slave to Jabba). Love that name.

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Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 07-29-1999 09:47 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS   Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS     Edit/Delete Message
Sorry for the late reply THX, I was in the middle of a chat.

Good morning to you too, Binks2 and Sandfarmer, and Darth Salacious

[This message has been edited by Jedi Knight TarynS (edited 07-29-1999).]

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posted 07-29-1999 10:55 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Antares_six   Click Here to Email Antares_six     Edit/Delete Message
Hey! Still trying to catch up on all the posts I've missed, but wanted to get this one in. So yesterday was my astronomy final (which would have been much easier if we had learned something in the class), so today, since it was experimental class I had to be interviewed by the administrators on video. All went more or less okay, until...

"I've noticed that during the lectures you tended to check your e-mail"

E-mail, ha! Hard to see the dark side is! But I had to launch into my defense of slack...
Reason for slacking #1...the lectures were pointless, condescending, and had nothing to do with the material we were required to know. Slacking relates far better to my life.
Reason for slacking #2...nothing that happened in the classroom had anything to do with the material we were required to know, I was guaranteed a "B" and $75 for participating in the study no matter what I live the slack!

Moral...Q...electric lemonade this evening? Sandfarmer how far are you from us anyway?

Spoiler...Luke and Leia are twins (haven't finished reading the last few pages so I apologize if that's been taken!)

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posted 07-29-1999 10:57 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for gundark     Edit/Delete Message
ok slackers. let's pick up the pace here !

" i used to post in between work, now i work in between posts "

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Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 07-29-1999 10:58 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS   Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS     Edit/Delete Message
Jedi Knight TarynS fades into lurkers view

Greetings JC member username, I am Jedi Knight TarynS, formerly known as Padawan TarynS.
You must go to the SWMCMMJ:Ep7 [url] [/url] system. There you shall learn the ways of the Slack, from the Slacker Master C Creepio. The Slacker Master who instructed me.

Jedi Knight TarynS fades out lurkers view

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posted 07-29-1999 11:00 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for QASM   Click Here to Email QASM     Edit/Delete Message
Jeez A6 thanks for FINALLY showing up!

Two weeks to go, 2 MORE WEEKS!

I need to try that smiley thing THX...

Unfortunately busy today...have to train the new kids on some stuff before I leave.



[This message has been edited by QASM (edited 07-29-1999).]

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Jedi Soul
posted 07-29-1999 11:09 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Soul   Click Here to Email Jedi Soul     Edit/Delete Message
Hi everybody!!!
I had like, NO sleep last night... we had all of these severe storms. I was watching like Letterman or something and this special report came on saying that there was a tornado heading directly for my city. Wonderful... Here I am, half asleep, and a tornado's coming towards my house. So after a few mumbled swear words, I grabed all my valuable Star Wars memorabilia and went downstairs. Then I remembered the 'rents. I still live at home. I had actually remembered Star Wars more than my own parents. Wow, that's not good, I thought. So I made sure all the Star Wars stuff was all secure, and I went upstairs to wake my parents as lawn furniture was slamming into my house.
You, know... what is it with me and tornadoes??? I've been in like 5 in this year alone... You think someone's trying to tell me something??? ?

Well, Q, Amidala's Suitor, Jedi Knight TarynS, and C Creepio... I'm glad you liked the Ewan postcards ! If anyone else would like one, just tell me. They are at

Spoiler... C Creepio's real name sounds... )...

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THX 1204
posted 07-29-1999 11:12 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for THX 1204     Edit/Delete Message
Is it just me, or are we slacking on our slacking?

Oh well up to the top...

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Rowlf of Taarna
posted 07-29-1999 11:13 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Rowlf of Taarna   Click Here to Email Rowlf of Taarna     Edit/Delete Message
So, these are the 'latest' minutes of the latest meeting of the Jedi Council Forum 'regulars', hmmmm?

All 'slackers' training in using 'the Force' to increase 'slack-Balance', hmmmm?

Much to learn, padewans will have.

Ep. II, help; we need you Ep. II.

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posted 07-29-1999 11:16 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for dapper_bloke   Click Here to Email dapper_bloke     Edit/Delete Message
have just returned from another slack meeting (which went even better than the first one) and found the "Darth Maul watched the Pod Race" thread posted by our illustrious leader Creepio

still haven't stopped laughing...

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posted 07-29-1999 11:38 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for QASM   Click Here to Email QASM     Edit/Delete Message
Yeah I've noticed it's been particularly quiet in here thanks to me either, I know.

Well, I think it's time for lunch now...


That Padme chick is really the QUEEN!

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Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 07-29-1999 11:41 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS   Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS     Edit/Delete Message
dapper, most impressive smiley's. Most impressive.

Yeah man we are slackin on the slacking. I fear matters may get worse. I will double my efforts to post often.

yeah man, but this recruiting thing is not as slackable as I thought

hey Jedi Soul, 5 tornadoes!!! that's a bit much. The weather has been getting kind of extreme lately. I say it's global warming but the reporters are carefully avoiding that word for 3 years now. Unstead they call it El Nino, and La Nina.
Now there's a conspiracy if I ever saw one.
Oh and I loved your spoiler!! it was great!!!! creepio's real name. Ha. Noone one knows such things!

spoiler: Jar Jar tried to steal a frog.

[This message has been edited by Jedi Knight TarynS (edited 07-29-1999).]

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posted 07-29-1999 11:45 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for gundark     Edit/Delete Message
yes . we must redouble our efforts.
c creepio is not as forgiving as i.

So. Has anyone in here been busted at work ?
or at slack i should say ?

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THX 1204
posted 07-29-1999 11:50 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for THX 1204     Edit/Delete Message
Off home now....

Keep up the slacking..

Can somone please ensure the Porkins Thread is brought up to the top before you all go home!

I worry over that thread - It's far too funny to lose.

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Amidala's Suitor
posted 07-29-1999 11:58 AM    Click Here to See the Profile for Amidala's Suitor   Click Here to Email Amidala's Suitor     Edit/Delete Message
Jedi Soul, 5 tornadoes?? YIPE!!! Living in Texas, I've been through only 2 in my life, I couldn't imagine 5 in one year. To make things worse, I don't have a basement, so how would I save my SW stuff? Anyhoo, I hope you, your family and your SW stuff are all ok.
I'm so tired this morning I'm slacking at slacking. I don't know what's wrong with me.
Anyway, all Slackers are invited to the first weekly Slacker Navy pool party. I've got a keg of Shiner Bock beer at the Slacker pool right now, so does anybody want to sign up to bring a food of some sort? I've posted a sign up sheet on my office door next to my Ewan Worship poster.
BTW, Creepio, glad to see you use the term Man Crush @ work. You rock.

Yoda has more hair in EP1.

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posted 07-29-1999 12:06 PM    Click Here to See the Profile for Jabbadabbado     Edit/Delete Message
My boss is a huge Star Wars fan (he accused me of being a communist for criticizing TPM), and there's a good chance he spends more time on this forum than I do.

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Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 07-29-1999 12:11 PM    Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS   Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS     Edit/Delete Message
THX I'll see what I can do about making sure porkins is up there.

Gundark I own no star wars clothing. Sorry. They don't do much for me. The toys and books that's the good stuff. They take me to another world the the clothing couldn't do. At least for me anyways. You guys may have a stronger imagination then I do.

Creepio that man crush liner had me on the floor laughin'. That's really funny stuff! I wish I could have seen that girls face with my own eyes.

Suitor I'll join you for the navy trip. I've been slacking at slacking too. Im putting that to an end right now.

Jedi Soul, Q, Ant are all still here?
What's goin' on? You all okay?

The office is awfully quite...

spoiler: I bet the Guy who gets to play Anikin will be the next mancrush Suitor and Creepio will have.

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Vrian Sinth
posted 07-29-1999 12:12 PM    Click Here to See the Profile for Vrian Sinth   Click Here to Email Vrian Sinth     Edit/Delete Message
It took me forever to catch up on this . You guys are getting good at slacking!!

So how are you all doing today? Any new slacking storries from the office? I'm having fun slacking, but no great storries as of yet!

Ahhhh. Yawn. I think I'll take my working slack nap!! (he he)

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posted 07-29-1999 12:27 PM    Click Here to See the Profile for QASM   Click Here to Email QASM     Edit/Delete Message
Yeah TarynS, still lurking about, actually have had to w-w-w-w...ugh I can't even say it!

Screw this, I'm goin in the pool with the Navy!

Suitor, CANNONBALL!!!!!


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Obi Two
posted 07-29-1999 12:49 PM    Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two     Edit/Delete Message
Damn, I am at definite disadvantage coming in at 9 on the west coast, I believe our England slackers have a big lead on me. I must catch up, the Slack will guide my actions. Now how do you do those cool smiley things???

Spoiler: Yoda has Frank Oz's ahnd up his butt.

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Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 07-29-1999 12:55 PM    Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS   Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS     Edit/Delete Message
Sorry to hear that you have that W-word today. That must be slowing everyone down.
Man Im posting at a rate of 33posts per/day. How cool is that?

I had this really cool thing I wanted to say but I totally forgot what it was... I suck

The really cool thing about being recruiter is this new ability to fade in/out. Very handy when trying to recruite new slackers

Theory: Darth Maul was sighted at the pod races.. what say you?

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C Creepio
posted 07-29-1999 12:57 PM    Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio   Click Here to Email C Creepio     Edit/Delete Message
Darth Salaciuos: Are you in the Twin Cities? I grew up there!!! I went to St. Thomas for highschool in Mendota Heights. Tell me your story. Maybe we know each other!

TarynS continues to dazzle me with her new position as Personal Mon Mothma.

d_p: Darth Maul WAS at the pod race.

Spoiler: Qui-Gon dies at the end.

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posted 07-29-1999 01:03 PM    Click Here to See the Profile for Shimmergloom   Click Here to Email Shimmergloom     Edit/Delete Message
<Is anyone going to get Natalie to come clean me?>

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Obi Two
posted 07-29-1999 01:04 PM    Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two     Edit/Delete Message
I must slack harder, oh wait, that doesn't make much sense, now does it? I think I need more coffee... Coffee is my friend, especially at this time of morning...

Spoiler: The negotiations were short.

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Jedi Soul
posted 07-29-1999 01:12 PM    Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Soul   Click Here to Email Jedi Soul     Edit/Delete Message
Jedi Knight TarynS...
I DO know C Creepio's real name. He sent it to me. But since many Bonthans died for that info, I can't release it...

Attention to all...

This is the current up-to-date list of the people who are on my list for my screenplay. Remember, unless you have e-mailed me, you aren't on the list. Here it is, in alphabetical order...

C Creepio
Darth Mulligan
Jedi Knight TarynS
Jedi Kylenn

Remember, if you aren't on that list, just email me at Thank's for your cooperation !!!

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Obi Two
posted 07-29-1999 01:23 PM    Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two     Edit/Delete Message
Did everyone go to lunch? It seems like the slacking has slacked off. Yes, I know that was terrible!

Spoiler: Darth Maul is a bad guy.

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Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 07-29-1999 01:28 PM    Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS   Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS     Edit/Delete Message
Thank you Master Creepio

TarynS approaches and kneels before Creepio

I'am not deserving of your praise, but I shall strive to ensure that your faith in me is well placed. Long live Master Slacker Creepio!!

TarynS bows her head and fades away....
Slack hard and slack often!!

Hey Shimmergloom I have a present for you.
TarynS steps aside to reveal Padme, with cleaning cloth at the ready

Enjoy Shimmergloom!!

new spoiler: Darth Maul was at the Pod Races!!

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Amidala's Suitor
posted 07-29-1999 01:36 PM    Click Here to See the Profile for Amidala's Suitor   Click Here to Email Amidala's Suitor     Edit/Delete Message
Just wanted everyone to know the Navy pool party is going strong and we're about to start the belly flop contest, so get down here soon!!!

Padme'/Amidala is pretty like my mom.

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posted 07-29-1999 01:37 PM    Click Here to See the Profile for Shimmergloom   Click Here to Email Shimmergloom     Edit/Delete Message
<Ahhhhhhh!!!! Finally clean. I thouroughly enjoyed that.>

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Vrian Sinth
posted 07-29-1999 01:38 PM    Click Here to See the Profile for Vrian Sinth   Click Here to Email Vrian Sinth     Edit/Delete Message
Obi-Wan yells out in Jelousy at the luck that Shimmergloom has stumbled upon. Padme hasn't been quite as faithful as Obi-Wan would like, but then Obi-Wan realizes that he is too much of a slacker to care! (he he)

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