Conversation Between YoHo and SHE-MAN

145 Visitor Messages

  1. You'll stand for whatever I tell you to stand for and you'll like it.
  2. Lol, Scott's Yoho Bait is a failure. Content generation denied.
  3. Poor shimmergloo, always out of the loop.
  4. Believe it!
  5. The only friend I see besides myself and Hugh is someone named Shimmergloo. You're not even listed, so double dumbass on YOU!
  6. My wife is also vaguely interested. She approves of oogling Megan Fox.
  7. I blame the Filthy NCers, it's they that caused our Glorious SC Reich to fall. Thankfully we've sent them all to the concentration camp AKA the NC.
    Next we conquer Austr...Err, I mean The JC, then on to SA.
  8. The SC is taking this over. We need Breathingroom. This is our Sudetanland.
  9. BCH? Who do you think you are...besides a copycat of my great ideas.
  10. HEY!
    I'm only Lieutenant Leftcoast

    I'm Captain Chicago.
Showing Visitor Messages 71 to 80 of 145