Conversation Between Shimmergloom and SHE-MAN

556 Visitor Messages

  1. Like MHS Tinus.
  2. you should be the MHS Bismarck.
  3. on 2/11?
  4. when are you going to break it to him that he's a robot?
  5. Exactly like Danny, but with a goatee!
  6. Laugh it up, but the aliens know not to get into land wars! Well accept for z'Danny of Roacroak VI!
  7. That's insane! Modern science knows how Norman works and you can't get a parallel Norman by heating up red matter!
  8. I held an impromptu vote on whether to ban you from here and you lost. 1-0.
  9. bis, I think i'm gonna have to ban you from your user profile.
  10. How rude.
Showing Visitor Messages 531 to 540 of 556