Conversation Between Shimmergloom and SHE-MAN

556 Visitor Messages

  1. looks like I'll have to do some re-decorating in here while you are gone for your 2 week roakation.
  2. mark this day in your bismarck journal!
  3. I'll take the job.

    Bis. You're banned.

    Now just 7 more years of mop up work and we'll be ready to call it a day.
  5. this forum has passed hogwarts.

    you. you've earned it.
  6. we should invite tilt, then delete him.
  7. cat's out of the bag. Now everyone will want access to this forum!
  8. worse cameramen though. lol.
  9. that's what they said at the highlander forum and we all know how that worked out.
  10. No man can kill me.


    Also, now the BCS has more pages than the SC.
Showing Visitor Messages 501 to 510 of 556