Conversation Between SHE-MAN and Mike Dudley

530 Visitor Messages

  1. Cash, ass, or grass -- no one rides for free.
  2. Over 1 full day with no new posts. There's only 1 word for this...

  3. We better get in gear, if ya know what I mean.
  4. Shimm I'm going to need to see you in my office.
  5. Bis, when you got in the water on your recent scuba adventure, did you make a good plop?
  6. I was hoping for a more positive response from you, Bis.
  7. PLOP!
  8. I'm playing at right now, and there's someone at my table from Richmond (don't know if it's VA) whose s/n is Jewbacca146. Made me think of Bis.
  9. Yoho is a Pagan? I thought he was a Lutheran.
Showing Visitor Messages 491 to 500 of 530