Conversation Between SHE-MAN and Mike Dudley

530 Visitor Messages

  1. Shimm you need to save your energy for Starcraft II.
  2. Unglaublich!
  3. More than 24 hours without new content.

  4. Console games will never catch on. One stick for sight and one for moving?!? You just end up moving around in a circle spraying bullets everywhere. PC 4-EVAH!
  5. [qüote]No.[/qüote]
  6. It's some lamewad shoot-em-up game you play on a gay-ass console. WTF's the difference?
  7. Halol
  8. Unglaublich!
  9. !
  10. I'm coming up, so you better get this party started!
Showing Visitor Messages 461 to 470 of 530