Conversation Between Breeding Tube and Shimmergloom

556 Visitor Messages

  1. You know what's insane? Having to eat 8 bowls of corn flakes to equal one bowl of Total!
  2. Let me know when you beat mass effect. On NORMAL!
  3. I think only mw2 players should be allowed to post here.

    looks like ur out hugh.
  4. Noob tubed.
  5. Yes.
  6. consoles > pc games.
  8. that reminds me, i know you're only level 3, but you should make the RPD light machine gun your primary weapon. It's basically the best thing you are going to get until you unlock the m16 at level 40.
  9. My ears are barely even ringing from your voice, that's a snubbing!!
  10. Snubbed by bis for the 2nd time.

    Einstein was right.
Showing Visitor Messages 361 to 370 of 556