Conversation Between Breeding Tube and Shimmergloom

556 Visitor Messages

  1. oh yeah. this place.
  2. i forgot this place existed. That was a good 25+ hours.
  3. don't me!
  4. You mean, Shoe-ting!
  5. looks like bis is too busy dodging shoes to post.
  6. I wouldn't miss.
  7. If I saw bis on the street, I'd probably throw a shoe at him.
  8. ☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○◙♂♀♪♫☼►◄↕‼¶§▬↨↑↓→←∟↔▲▼

    a bunch of nonsense yes.
  9. that's the republican healthcare plan.
  10. tired.
Showing Visitor Messages 321 to 330 of 556