Conversation Between Breeding Tube and Shimmergloom

556 Visitor Messages

  1. season finale of spartacus was completely awesome.
  2. start using your xbox for what it was intended for!
  3. i want it to be entered into the record, that Mira is so freaking hot.
  4. season finale of spartacus tonight. I expect too many penises.
  5. smiley face.
  6. That's not the kind of white hole, I'm talking about!!!!
  7. No more naked exercising bis. You don't live in spartacus.
  8. it's available on netflix instant queue. You should give it a 2nd chance.

    The first few episodes are silly like spartacus, but it gets better toward the end of season 1 and season 2-3 are really pretty good.

    Season 4 starts soon, maybe this weekend. Can't remember.
  9. yeah it started and was just horrible. It's like the tudors. Both shows started dumb, were dumb for a few episodes, then became pretty great.
  10. bis, i've been catching up with spartacus today. This show is so awesome.
Showing Visitor Messages 251 to 260 of 556