Conversation Between Shimmergloom and SHE-MAN

556 Visitor Messages

  1. no. I still have several more seasons of mysteries to unveil before the big reveal about the secret to the BCS.

    HINT: This isn't purgatory.
  2. on 2nd thought, naming you after a star trek character is actually too cool for you.
  3. I rename you, Jean Luc Bismarck.
  4. Peptobismal. Is. Futile.
  5. I was going to call Bis a Yankee. And I must admit, I was tempted. For 0.68 seconds. For a Slacker, that is nearly an eternity.
  6. banned to the nc for talking about trains.
  7. oh yeah? well, Mickey Mouse SUCKS!
  8. bis would never desert me.

    or dessert me.
  9. ____________/
  10. \
Showing Visitor Messages 181 to 190 of 556