Conversation Between Shimmergloom and SHE-MAN

556 Visitor Messages

  1. what if bis and hugh had a forum?

    it would be called the Bis/Jarekshun Council.

    Or BJ for short.
  2. I forgot this place existed.

    I missed the one year anniversary.

    Well, I'm running out of room. Have a neat summer.
  3. me too.

    Thanks to scott who showed me the facebook way.
  4. lol. Believe It!
  5. It was sent in an e'd-mail!
  6. bis can't even figure out how to accept the invite to the 'where's the exit?' council.
  7. Hey Shims I found a guitar for you:
  8. /
  9. I'm shocked you found the exit ramp to leave the state.
  10. Have you left my state yet?
Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 130 of 556