Conversation Between SHE-MAN and YoHo

145 Visitor Messages

  1. Stop sucking cock for pleasure. How hard is this to understand?
  2. Stop being a Faggot.
  3. I've got to find a way to block shim's posts on this thing. They ruin everything.

    Anway, Mike, you should do a Dance remix of "I hate you"
  4. Unless the address on the envelope you sent to me was in error, yes.
  5. cool. I shall send it forthwith.
  6. So hey, do you want my Bidness card now that I have one?

    I have no video camera to film the delivery.
  7. And I say SCREW YOU!
  8. Fag!
  9. Though the Tarheels are acceptable vis-a-vis Michael Jordan.
  10. Faggots all of them.
Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 130 of 145