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Star Wars Has Yet to Cost Me My Job (Page 2)

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Author Topic: Star Wars Has Yet to Cost Me My Job
Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 09-23-1999 08:34 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS Edit/Delete Message
Good morning Slackers!!

Upseee Daisy my young friend. You are too new to fall this low.

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C Creepio
posted 09-23-1999 08:38 AM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message
Hey gang of slack master generals.

Saw TPM last night at the dollar theater. Nice, very nice.

Today? Just slacking.

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Sandfarmer IV
posted 09-23-1999 08:40 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Sandfarmer IV Click Here to Email Sandfarmer IV Edit/Delete Message
Awww yeah. Just 24 hours away from the Friday Funk Fest.

Slack on.

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posted 09-23-1999 08:40 AM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
good morning slackers
it's going to be a busy day

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posted 09-23-1999 08:45 AM Click Here to See the Profile for hew Click Here to Email hew Edit/Delete Message
Today is Friday for me! I've got tomorrow off. Three day weekend...

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posted 09-23-1999 08:50 AM Click Here to See the Profile for AmyAmeeAmi Edit/Delete Message
heya Slackers!!!

Sorry I have been among the missing lately...I don't know what has gotten into me. definately not work. Yesterday I snuck outta here at 2. Ahhh...what a life. Anyways, I back!

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Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 09-23-1999 09:13 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS Edit/Delete Message
Man I truley can not wait till friday afternoon. Im so not going to do anything. Well may be get drunk and go clubing.

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Twi'lek Babe
posted 09-23-1999 09:22 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Twi'lek Babe Click Here to Email Twi'lek Babe Edit/Delete Message
Woo-hoo, I made it! First allnighter in the slack. Should make for an interesting day in the cube!

Have a slackity-slacking day all!

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Sandfarmer IV
posted 09-23-1999 09:28 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Sandfarmer IV Click Here to Email Sandfarmer IV Edit/Delete Message
Hey slackers pals. I just realized that my combined user names equal well over 1500 posts so I am a double secret probation SITH. I posted a self-congratulatory thread about it so if anyone would like to help feed my already enormous ego or just make me feel swell you can check it out.


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posted 09-23-1999 09:41 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
Good morning slackers! Good to see some old faces reappearing.

Thank you for the Ally McBeal dartboard, Sabe. I'll throw cheeseburgers at it.

Darth Boss is moving down the hall! And Boss Mothma's moving in next to me in his place! Yippeeeeee!

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Padawanna Cracker
posted 09-23-1999 09:48 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Padawanna Cracker Edit/Delete Message
Hello all!

Please forgive this intrusion into your amazing slacking ability, but I just have to say....BRAVO!!!

C Creepio: Very nice intro!

I might actually get to join the ranks of slackers. Actually, maybe I already have. After all, I am at work. But I will get to work out of the house soon.


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posted 09-23-1999 09:59 AM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
PC all are welcome here, even if you end up woring from home. If you post at JCN during any kind of school function or are getting paid while you do it... You are a slacker.

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Rhui Chatar
posted 09-23-1999 10:02 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Rhui Chatar Click Here to Email Rhui Chatar Edit/Delete Message

Is it really slackin' if you're doing it from Home! I mean are there no rules here!

If a tree falls .....

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Sandfarmer IV
posted 09-23-1999 10:06 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Sandfarmer IV Click Here to Email Sandfarmer IV Edit/Delete Message
Welcome Padawanna Cracker, truly you are a closet slacker. You speak of the dream of all slackers, to get paid ot slack off from work in the luxury of your own home. To slack against the efforts of your boss when you are your own boss is truly slacking at its finest. We salute you.

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Padawanna Cracker
posted 09-23-1999 10:08 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Padawanna Cracker Edit/Delete Message
See, working from home is the ultimate slacking.

1. Everyone thinks you're hard at work, because whenever they call you, they can hear typing in the background.

2. You're getting paid to sit around in your pjs all day eating cereal and watching movies.

3. You only do 2 hours of actual work in the office anyway. Why not live a little?

4. When you work at home, the company pays for your computer upgrades. (Think about it...)

Ow. I thought too hard. I'll be going now.

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C Creepio
posted 09-23-1999 10:08 AM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message

As long as you procrastinate in any way, shape, or form, you are considered, at least in this circle, a slacker.

Welcome to heaven.

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Twi'lek Babe
posted 09-23-1999 10:25 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Twi'lek Babe Click Here to Email Twi'lek Babe Edit/Delete Message
Hacienda, my thoughts exactly--cheeseburgers with 'piggie' fries and a 'piggie' shake!

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Kerivane S.
posted 09-23-1999 10:34 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Kerivane S. Edit/Delete Message
The problem, Hacienda, is that one needs must have jedi-like power to hit so small a target area on an Ally McBeal Dart board. I mean, first you have to find her.

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Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 09-23-1999 10:35 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS Edit/Delete Message
Welcome to the SLACKCLUB Padawanna Cracker. You're uniform will arrive whenever one of use feels like getting it. (most likely never since we're all to busy slacking, So I suggest you just use what you have) But you're slackSaber is due to arrive within the next 2 soconds. Try not to cut yourself.


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Padawanna Cracker
posted 09-23-1999 10:38 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Padawanna Cracker Edit/Delete Message

If I ever do get a uniform, I won't have to actually iron it, will I?

Nah, what am I saying!!!!!

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posted 09-23-1999 10:44 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
Welcome, PC!

Did anybody else want to smack Calista Flockhart at the Emmys? That outfit was just screaming out for a good b!tchslap.

Sorry...when you're slackin' you sometimes feel like smackin'.

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C Creepio
posted 09-23-1999 11:14 AM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message
McBeal=annorexic cocaine addict

At least she looks like one.

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posted 09-23-1999 11:37 AM Click Here to See the Profile for dapper_bloke Click Here to Email dapper_bloke Edit/Delete Message
**dapper_bloke puts in a cameo appearance**

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Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 09-23-1999 11:45 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS Edit/Delete Message
Iron? What is this .... iron you speak of PC?

dapper? is that you???

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posted 09-23-1999 11:50 AM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
dapper_bloke, dapper_bloke where !??

[This message has been edited by gundark (edited 09-23-1999).]

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Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 09-23-1999 11:55 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS Edit/Delete Message
I tot i saw a dapperbloke..
I did!! I did! I did saw a dapperbloke!!!

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C Creepio
posted 09-23-1999 12:13 PM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message
dapper_bloke? Surely he must be dead by now...

"Don't underestimate the bloke"

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posted 09-23-1999 12:35 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
[Hacienda lies face down in the snow, bleeding and frozen. Her nose is running too.]

HACIENDA: *gasp* *cough*

[Suddenly the ghost of dapper_bloke appears before her.]

DAPPER_GHOST: You will travel to the Internet...there you will learn from Creepio, the Slack Master who taught me.

HACIENDA: Dapper? *hack* *snort*

[DAPPER_GHOST fades away]

HACIENDA: Dapper! [Her head falls with a *thunk* into the snow.]

[Just then, gundark rides up on a Tauntaun.]

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Padawanna Cracker
posted 09-23-1999 12:50 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Padawanna Cracker Edit/Delete Message

Iron....I think it's something you get when you eat red meat.

And yes, Callista Flockhart is WAY too thin. And she even lost weight.

But she doesn't have a problem. Oh no. It's the media's fault. (moron) And she's a terrible actress.

Well, it's about time to take that early, long lunch and dream of tomorrow - while getting paid, of course.

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Sandfarmer IV
posted 09-23-1999 12:56 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Sandfarmer IV Click Here to Email Sandfarmer IV Edit/Delete Message
That's why my goal in life is rock star/fiction writer. Never leave the house unless it is to go get paid or buy toys.

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posted 09-23-1999 01:01 PM Click Here to See the Profile for DarthWookiee Click Here to Email DarthWookiee Edit/Delete Message
I gotta start hanging out with you people! I never wanted to admit it before, but I am a closet slacker!! Waah!!! Hee-hee!!

Down with TGTIW!!!! Up with slacking!!! Yay!!!

Oh rats, here comes more work!! No!! Must...fight... the urge... to.... work!!!

Sith Lord DarthWookiee, The Freshmaker

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posted 09-23-1999 01:03 PM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
don't do it DarthWookie don't do any w*rk...

" We shall not double our efforts "

" Do not or really Do not, there is no do"

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C Creepio
posted 09-23-1999 01:05 PM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message

There is now a person at work who speaks with a "fake-Chinese" accent every now and then.
Thanks to me.

Her favorite line: "Yes, of course."
She does it pretty well too. Now, if I can only get her to say "I don't sense anything" with her best English accent....

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posted 09-23-1999 01:06 PM Click Here to See the Profile for DarthWookiee Click Here to Email DarthWookiee Edit/Delete Message
Fortunately, I don't work through lunch. Even better, I think I'll take a walk down to the cafeteria to see what books they're selling today, all in the name of "supporting the Employee Association" (read: slacking). Excellent!

Besides, it appears a database problem not caused by me has occurred. Soemthing that's not my fault but will keep others from doing their job! Ah, bringing the slack to others... damn I'm good!!

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Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 09-23-1999 01:12 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS Edit/Delete Message
Hacienda I loved your last post. Funny stuff. Keep em coming!!

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C Creepio
posted 09-23-1999 01:20 PM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message
About DarthWookie----

The Slack is unusually strong with him

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posted 09-23-1999 01:35 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
Not to keep bagging on Calista, but..

Did anybody see SNL last year where Drew Barrymore played Calista on Celebrity Jeopardy...and when she didn't write an answer for Final Jeopardy and "Alex" asked her why, she whispered, "the pen was too heavy"... LOL.

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Amidala's Suitor
posted 09-23-1999 01:48 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Amidala's Suitor Click Here to Email Amidala's Suitor Edit/Delete Message
(looks at the Ally McBeal dart/cheeseburger board, hangs head down...)

"I kinda like Ally McBeal..."

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posted 09-23-1999 01:53 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
Because Taryn asked for it (and I need to boost the post count)...Creepio, you have inspired my slack yet again!

SCENE: The Forest Moon, nightfall. TARYN has slipped out onto the balcony. Her friend HACIENDA, concerned, follows.

(Aw heck, I forget how that scene starts. I'll just wing it.)

HACIENDA: Taryn, what's wrong?
TARYN: My boss is here, now...on this moon.
HACIENDA: How do you know?
TARYN: I sensed his presence.
HACIENDA: But why did he follow
TARYN: Beats me. [pause] You're throwing off my train of thought. Shut up. There's something I have to tell you.
HACIENDA: Sorry. What's up?
TARYN: First off, the boss is my father.
HACIENDA: Oh sh!t.
TARYN: There's more. It won't be easy for you to hear it, but you must. [Pause.] Do you remember your mother? Your REAL mother?
HACIENDA: I don't remember last week, Taryn.
TARYN: Ahhhh. [pause] I have no memory of my mother. I never knew her.
HACIENDA: Taryn, why the h*ll are you telling me this?
TARYN [upset]: Because I NEED to TALK about it! [Sighs.] Just shut up. I'm not finished.
HACIENDA: Fine. What are you trying to say?
TARYN: That if I don't come back, you're the last hope for the Slack.
HACIENDA: Taryn, you have a power I don't HAVE and could NEVER understand...
TARYN: You're wrong. You have that power too. [Gets Big Moment of Truth face on.] The Slack is strong in my family. My father has it...I have SISTER has it...
[HACIENDA looks shocked]
Yes, Hacienda, it's you...
HACIENDA [sobbing]: I know...somehow, I've always known...
TARYN: Then you know why I must confront him...
HACIENDA: No! Taryn, run away. FAR, far away. If he can sense your presence then LEAVE this place...I wish I could go with you...
TARYN: No you don't. That would require effort, and you're a slacker.
[TARYN walks away. HACIENDA weeps. Enter OBI TWO.]
OBI TWO: Hey! What's going on?
HACIENDA: Nothing. I just want to slack on my own for a little while...
OBI TWO: C'mon, tell me.
HACIENDA: I...I...CAN'T tell you...
OBI TWO: Could you tell Taryn? Is that who you could tell?
HACIENDA: Since you're never on the chat anymore...

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C Creepio
posted 09-23-1999 02:17 PM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message
That was fantiastic! I always knew you two were sisters.

On a sad note, I just got an email from ym boss. This is part of it, cut and pasted for your reading pleasure.

On Wednesday, 9/29/99, we will conduct an exercise as if we lost our computers and / or electric power due to a disaster such as a hurricane, tornado, bomb OR.......the possibility of nothing working when we change dates to the Year 2000.


This is madness!

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