Topic: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job: Return of the Creep
Obi Two Member
posted 08-19-1999 01:58 PM
We're all in the chat room!IP: Logged |
Vrian Sinth Member
posted 08-19-1999 01:59 PM
Whoa!! I am feeling extra Slackful today. Is there such thing as a Slack Star? I was just wondering, cause something looking like that just entered our atmosphere!! IP: Logged |
Obi Two Member
posted 08-19-1999 02:10 PM
Yeah, and there is a Slack wing fighter too!IP: Logged |
C Creepio Member
posted 08-19-1999 02:12 PM
gundark- what's your email? I lost it!!IP: Logged |
Hoth Queen Member
posted 08-19-1999 02:13 PM
Checking in to the slack house. Some of those who REALLY slack dont' get up til noon, in explanation to my my late posting, I am off to pack,(a job I CAN'T slack on, or punishment by daeth, for I am moving and 2 days and I have nothing done, How's that for slacking???)IP: Logged |
C Creepio Member
posted 08-19-1999 03:12 PM
"I have a bad feeling about this.""I slack at everything." "It's not about the work load, Master. It's something elsewhere...elusive." "Don't center on your work, Obi-Wan. Keep your mind and thoughts on the distant and never, where they belong." "But my boss told me I should be mindful of my work." "But not at the expense of your sanity. Be mindful of the living slack, young Padawan." "Yes, Master...How do you think our coworkers will deal with the employer's demands?" "These fellow employee types are cowards. Their careers will be short." IP: Logged |
C Creepio Member
posted 08-19-1999 03:14 PM
"What? What did you say?""The Ambassadors are slackers, I think." IP: Logged |
Sabé Member
posted 08-19-1999 03:16 PM
And of course I miss TarynS again... Hey, you know why you're always apologizing ? Because you're a woman, and all the studies prove that women apologize much more than men. (Just a little feminism to end the day.) WE MUST STOP ! AND NEVER APOLOGIZE AGAIN ! (Sorry I shouted. ) IP: Logged |
gundark Member
posted 08-19-1999 03:20 PM
are we doing the whole movie in here ?IP: Logged |
C Creepio Member
posted 08-19-1999 03:25 PM
Yeah, we are. Go, eh....Go!
IP: Logged |
Obi Two Member
posted 08-19-1999 03:27 PM
Yes, the whole thing... At least I can hope for as much...IP: Logged |
Darth Tater Member
posted 08-19-1999 03:35 PM
Hi all! Congradulations to the honorifics! dapper, I have a little problem. I went to sign up for the SWMCMMJ chat room and it told me someone had already signed up as Darth Tater! What should I do? Sincerely, Your EmperorIP: Logged |
gundark Member
posted 08-19-1999 03:40 PM
try signing on as DarthTater2... i had the same problem...IP: Logged |
hew Member
posted 08-19-1999 03:41 PM
It just occured to me that Palpatine has to be the biggest slacker in the entire Star Wars universe. Has anyone else accomplished so much by doing so little? By using the people around him (Maul, Amidala, Neimoidians) while exerting no effort whatsoever, he manages to get himself elected Chancellor and will eventually take over the universe. Even his hologram is so lazy that it has to be carried around by that spider thing..."A slacker, to be sure..." IP: Logged |
Jedi Knight TarynS Member
posted 08-19-1999 04:23 PM
Sabé!!!!!!!!!!! Im here!!!!!! Are you still there?We were soo close... Good point you made there. From now on I wont appolize. Who ever I hurt will just have to suck it up!! Now for my Mon Motha duties... Lurker beware IP: Logged |
Obi Two Member
posted 08-19-1999 04:59 PM
OK, will this actually work??? We shall see...IP: Logged |
Senator Binks2 Member
posted 08-19-1999 05:08 PM
Wiping away tears from the corner of his eyeAwwww... thanks DarthMoose and TarynS. I got so wrapped up in the chat today I forgot to check back in until now. Anyway, we should all make plans for a TPM viewing this weekend. I have a feeling it'll be leaving the theatres soon.... IP: Logged |
Obi Two Member
posted 08-19-1999 05:09 PM
Yes!!!! Let the slacking continue...IP: Logged |
Darth Tater Member
posted 08-19-1999 05:09 PM
Man, I love the chat room! It's great to talk to you guys in an instant format!IP: Logged |
Obi Two Member
posted 08-19-1999 05:12 PM
Tater, it's nice to be back! Slack on, and I think it's time for some flamimg drinks in the lounge.IP: Logged |
Sand farmer Member
posted 08-19-1999 05:17 PM
Wessa slackin' under water okeyday? IP: Logged |
Obi Two Member
posted 08-19-1999 05:22 PM
Sand farmer you have survived the Thursday purge. The slack is strong with you!IP: Logged |
Sand farmer Member
posted 08-19-1999 05:29 PM
I owe it all to the power of the Slackasaurus Rex IP: Logged |
Obi Two Member
posted 08-19-1999 05:55 PM
Hey some one keeps stealing my Star Wars Mt. Dew cans at work? What should I do? I had a Ric Olie can, but it's gone now, this ain't right!IP: Logged |
Jedi Knight TarynS Member
posted 08-19-1999 06:00 PM
Im sorry to have slacked on my Mon Motha duties, but you know what I am... A full blooded Slacker. That is what I am.My plans for the rest of the evening: Go down to the swimming pool outside my complex and float around for a while. Then Come up whit a few good reasons why I should not go to the gym. Then come back to my currently empty appartment and watch RotJ. Dinner will find it's way in there somehow. Im sure of it. In the mean time Slack on my Brothers and Sisters. Slack on!!!!! IP: Logged |
Obi Two Member
posted 08-19-1999 06:09 PM
Sounds like a good idea TarynS. You have mastered the slack, it is a powerful ally.IP: Logged |
Sand farmer Member
posted 08-19-1999 06:21 PM
You're faith in the slack is good TarynS. IP: Logged |
Darth Tater Member
posted 08-19-1999 06:36 PM
Ah, evening slacking. Congrads Sand farmer!IP: Logged |
Obi Two Member
posted 08-19-1999 06:56 PM
The slack is strong as we can support the chat room and the forum. We rule!!!IP: Logged |
Sand farmer Member
posted 08-19-1999 07:00 PM
This may very well be...The Golden Age of the Slack.IP: Logged |
Shannara Solo Member
posted 08-19-1999 07:12 PM
Training to become a Slacker is not an easy challenge. And even if you succeed, it's a hard life. (Hope that one wasn't taken.)Hello. Never posted here before. But I have a Q- if I'm sitting here instead of reading for class, does that make me a Slacker? You know, slacking off is the only thing that keeps me going sometimes. IP: Logged |
Obi Two Member
posted 08-19-1999 07:16 PM
Yes it does Solo! Slack on!IP: Logged |
Shannara Solo Member
posted 08-19-1999 07:20 PM
Wooo-hooo!! I humbly return to my slacking.IP: Logged |
RedHot5 Member
posted 08-19-1999 07:31 PM
Shannara Solo - Welcome, we grow more numerous every day as more and more slackers come out of the closet (You like that Obi Two? )IP: Logged |
Obi Two Member
posted 08-19-1999 07:34 PM
That was good RedHot. Hehehe... Slack on...IP: Logged |
Hoth Queen Member
posted 08-19-1999 09:56 PM
I will bring balance to the slack, for I only slack when the work load is in great need of my help! LOL!! Good evening, Slackers. Does this thread count if you are about to be expelled from school because of SW, for the day is near when I must return to school, and a whole different kind of slack, the kind where you sleep on desks without getting caught. And for thos of you who haven't mastered this skill, here's a tip: Grow your hair really long, then make like your reading book, thereby allowing your hair to cover your face. Just be careful if you know you snore and be awake when the bell rings, otherwise the slack is up.IP: Logged |
Hoth Queen Member
posted 08-19-1999 10:02 PM
PS Where the hell is this infamous chatroom, for it is there I belong.IP: Logged |
Hoth Queen Member
posted 08-19-1999 10:10 PM
Nevermind, mesa found it.IP: Logged |
jedi-by- night Member
posted 08-20-1999 02:14 AM
MORNIN how you all doin at last the weekemd is almost upon us, we can truly be in our slack element. The Slack will be with us AlwaysIP: Logged |
jedi-by- night Member
posted 08-20-1999 02:14 AM
MORNIN how you all doin at last the weekemd is almost upon us, we can truly be in our slack element. The Slack will be with us AlwaysIP: Logged |