Topic: Star Wars May Cost me My Job: Episode 8
gundark Member
posted 08-10-1999 02:14 PM
not bad Suitor you still do us proud...hmmmm... it appears someone has opened a thread questioning the validity of our slack efforts... this should be interesting IP: Logged |
Hacienda51 Member
posted 08-10-1999 02:21 PM
I sense an unusual amount of fear in them over something so trivial as slacking.IP: Logged |
Darth Tater Member
posted 08-10-1999 02:23 PM
Creepio, I feel your pain. Though my situation is not as bad as yours, I am still having problems at work because of those who follow the Dark Side of the Slack. I simply mentioned that the Hutts are hermaphrodites (sp?) and that the band in RotJ was called the Max Rebbo Band, and suddenly I'm stuck with the most annoying coworker this side of the Mississippi. Sincerely, Your [This message has been edited by Darth Tater (edited 08-10-1999).] IP: Logged |
C Creepio Member
posted 08-10-1999 03:04 PM
Darth Tater- what do you mean about annoying employees. Is is someone who think's he's a SW fan but really doesn't know anything about the movie, yet talks about it all day like he's a fan, even though he would never survive in here?I hate those guys.
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Darth Tater Member
posted 08-10-1999 03:07 PM
Yes, exactly. He's never seen TPM (gasp), yet he riddles me with irrelevant trivia. And he does those connecting actors to other actors thing. He bought the TPM soundtrack to look cool, yet the last movie he saw in the theatres was Jurrasic Park!IP: Logged |
Hacienda51 Member
posted 08-10-1999 03:11 PM
Our slacker mascot should be the tree sloth. I just thought of that when I should be thinking of how I'm going to attack our opponent's brief.IP: Logged |
Hacienda51 Member
posted 08-10-1999 03:13 PM
Actually, a more appropriate creature would be a Hutt. We should keep it somewhat SW related.Darth Tater, could you do a cool Jabba smiley? Your Emperor "smiley" cracks my a$$ up every time I see it. [This message has been edited by Hacienda51 (edited 08-10-1999).] IP: Logged |
Darth Tater Member
posted 08-10-1999 03:21 PM
I'll try, but I'm such a slacker you probably won't see it for another decade or so. Besides, I stole that Emperor one from the guy who did all the other Star Wars smilies.IP: Logged |
Darth Genius Member
posted 08-10-1999 03:46 PM
Well I made it back, only to find that what was once my home in the slack has moved again. Amidala's Suitor, I saw a DCI event last week and it made me decide to try out again, I've been gone for a couple of years, but I think I could swing the Bass Drum mallets once again. BTW the Blue Devils won. IP: Logged |
Sand farmer Member
posted 08-10-1999 03:46 PM
Wow. I have had a great day of slacking. I got to say Naboo. Creepio and I set Mitsubishi straight. I had a rock n roll war that nearly made Gray Leader's head explode. All in all a pretty good day. Of course I did not work and I must be getting within days of the moment when I lose my job but who cares? There are many jobs but only one slack. Slack on. IP: Logged |
Darth Tater Member
posted 08-10-1999 04:14 PM
Yoda yo yo yo yo yo Yoda D@mn song! Can't get it out of my head. If I come across another co-worker who hasn't seen TPM I'll explode. It's bad enough that they don't care that the Hutt's are hermaphrodites (sp?).IP: Logged |
C Creepio Member
posted 08-10-1999 04:21 PM
I feel bad for you Darth Tater. There's a moron here who thinks Ewan is playing Luke Skywalker. I die everytime he makes me listen.
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Vrian Sinth Member
posted 08-10-1999 04:29 PM
Oh boy. I just did a big boo boo at work and I'm in trouble!! Oh well. At least they haven't caught me JCing. IP: Logged |
Hero Matsumoto Member
posted 08-10-1999 04:35 PM
Well, it's 4:30 and I have had a full day of slacking. Not one ounce of work done. Oh wait...I did just now print out an order that was brought to me this morning at 8:00 am and went to my boss about it just now, questioning its validity and she actually said "Great catch - keep up the good work!"And so after 8+ hours of slacking, I have been rewarded by my boss with a slap on the back. No butt-smacking like Chandler and his boss on Friends - we're both women here. I hope I have not ruffled too many feathers with my other post. I am but a babe to slacking (on this forum, anyway) and was just trying to find the way...but I do feel I am coming along. It will be a while before I can become Slacker Extraordinaire, if indeed I should ever reach that mountain peak. But first, baby steps. Good night and I will see you all in the morgen.
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Darth Tater Member
posted 08-10-1999 04:36 PM
OK Sinth, what'd you do? Creepio, I also have someone who told me that Star Wars is a "Stupid thing to be obbsessed with." Don't you just want to stand up at work some time and yell "Star Wars rules! I never work because I love Star Wars and I spend all my time on Star Wars websites! All Star Wars haters s*ck!!!"IP: Logged |
C Creepio Member
posted 08-10-1999 04:45 PM
Tater- I've come so close to belting out stuff I see on this site but I'd be so busted if I did. I think when I leave this job one day, I'll reveal myself to my employers. "Oh, and another thing, I was on TF.N a total of six years, four months, eight days, seven hours and four minutes." (That will be out of six years, four months and five days of total time spent at my desk) Oh, and Hero--- welcome.
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Senator Binks2 Member
posted 08-10-1999 04:52 PM
My problem is that all the threads here crack me up.I'll be sitting at my desk and all of a sudden I'll just start cracking up. The Porkins thread was the worst for that. It's pretty crazy, especially since two other people work in the same room. I've tried to take roll call of the Infantry this morning, but they were all too lazy to get out of bed. Good job, troops. IP: Logged |
gundark Member
posted 08-10-1999 04:58 PM
slack on... till tomorrowgundark out IP: Logged |
Senator Binks2 Member
posted 08-10-1999 05:57 PM
I'm off home.Catch you all tomorrow. IP: Logged |
Darth Tater Member
posted 08-10-1999 06:56 PM
Ah, home slacking. This is where it really matters. Sure there's stuff to do at work, but home? A slackers h*ll. Slack on.IP: Logged |
Hacienda51 Member
posted 08-10-1999 07:02 PM
Still slackin' at home before I go skatin'.IP: Logged |
Darth Tater Member
posted 08-10-1999 09:49 PM
Yay! I've posted over 500 times! The rewards of slacking.IP: Logged |
Arsinoe Member
posted 08-10-1999 10:05 PM
Well I go away for a few days and look what happens around here!!! We got a nice new office!! I like the wallpaper .. but we need more .. how about some Liam pics!!! Things sure were happening around here while I was gone!! I feel sorry for you Sandfarmer. What was with the fan fic .. were you guys trying to get us moved again!!! C Creepio, I feel for you man .. the "Internet Police" can be nasty guys! Okay you may be wondering were I have been .. well I *have* been slacking some!! I had a few days off so I saw TPM a couple more times .. I even saw a different movie Saturday night! .. spent time wrestling with my various e-mail accounts (the one I use for a Star Wars mailing list was really pooched!!. Read some more of the EU!! yeah yeah I know!! Shopped for Star Wars stuff!! At "Work", I got stuck on some shifts with the office "Wet Blanket" so internet time was drastically reduced! The office Internet Police also sent around the latest "Internet Policy" paper by email! Yikes .. that made me jump! These guys are really into the Dark Side! Surfing for Star Wars sites was NOT listed as an 'acceptable' use of the office equipment!! Oh well .. on the brighter side .. my supervisor today used the training computer (the one with the cable modem hehehe) to play Weird Al's Star Wars parody for everyone!! Even the office "Wet Blanket" laughed!! A small victory for the Slack!!!! May the slack be with you all!!!!!
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Jedi Soul Member
posted 08-11-1999 03:13 AM
One boy's fate is a step closer to being realized... Star Wars Episode II A New Era Screenplay quote: ~If haunted by the ghosts of your past you are, a slave to the future, you will be. Yoda, Episode II "A New Era" screenplay.
The Saga Continues 8-13-99 Written by Jenae Kupchik. Camera shot direction and additional scenes: Jenae Kupchik and Melissa Meas. Copyright 1999 Lucas Films Limited and Elements of Soul productions. [This message has been edited by Jedi Soul (edited 08-11-1999).] IP: Logged |
THX 1204 Member
posted 08-11-1999 06:38 AM
Creepio and Sand farmer,You responded well to the charge of productivity brought upon us by Mitsubishi (He He..) once again you both have stood up against tyranny in the Forum. An extra special well done to Sand farmer as you managed not to get banned - I'm proud of you Today will be my last day of Slacking this month - but fear not my friends for I shall be back in September... May The Slack Be With You, Always IP: Logged |
Sand farmer Member
posted 08-11-1999 06:49 AM
Good morning everyone. Yesterday was great day of slacking, I was laughing out loud all day. That Mitsubishi kid kill me. Anyway, good luck on to days slack missions. Come back soon THX.Slack on. IP: Logged |
gundark Member
posted 08-11-1999 08:04 AM
good morning slackers...i hope the slack is well with all of you today. my day already was the potetial to be a great slack day, right now both of my padawans are out which requires my boss to confine himself to his quarters for the day leaving me free to surf all damn day long IP: Logged |
Hacienda51 Member
posted 08-11-1999 08:57 AM
Good morning, fellow slacklings...The Slack has surrounded me, permeated me and has bound my little galaxy together. Last night I went skating (my "slacking" activity), but did I skate? No! I slacked off and hung out by the boards with a couple other people and rated hockey players. I probably did two jumps in 45 minutes and the rest was spent standing around. The true slack is when you slack off in your "leisure" activities. MTSBWYA! IP: Logged |
C Creepio Member
posted 08-11-1999 09:08 AM
*Sigh*(A sigh of satisfaction) How great is it to log into the slacker's forum and see Jedi Soul's Episode II commercial?? I loved the Yoda quote, baby. I have blocked out a two hour portion of my Saturday to be spent sitting by the pool with a Heineken in one hand and Jedi Soul's script in the other. I hope it doesn't rain. "If haunted by the ghosts..." IP: Logged |
Hero Matsumoto Member
posted 08-11-1999 10:10 AM
Hero checking in for yet another day of slacking. I just spent the last couple of hours in an utterly useless meeting with our sales force. My whole morning has been ruined! So I will make up for it by going full-slack the rest of the day. Creepio, thanks for the welcome - I feel all fuzzy-wuzzy now that I've been accepted. Somewhat. Hehe. I will NOT however change my name to Mitsibushi. I may be pretty compliant (see my various posts on my weakness for authority figures) but this is one thing I will rebel against - I hate their cars. They are stupid-looking, they look cheap, and they don't run well. Well, my Civic ain't all that hot either, but at least I'll get good resale value out of it. IP: Logged |
grandmoffg Member
posted 08-11-1999 10:10 AM
i realize this is probaly a bad question, but where can I get a hold of Jedi Soul's script. Or do I have to get it directly from Jedi Soul? I would like to officially throw my hat into the slackers thread.IP: Logged |
Hacienda51 Member
posted 08-11-1999 10:14 AM
Okay, we need to jump-start this forum. We are such slackers that we are slacking off from slacking! (Or is everybody just on vacation and/or finished with internships?)I suggest a contest to see who can come up with the best SW slack quotes...the more random and obscure, the better. I'll start: "These aren't the files you're looking for." IP: Logged |
Amidala's Suitor Member
posted 08-11-1999 10:23 AM
Good Morning everyone. On my way to Slack HQ I stopped at The God of Thunder's Buffalo Wing Hut and brought buffalo wings for everyone, so enjoy! Anyway, Jedi Soul, your ad rocks, and I cannot wait for 8/13/99!! IP: Logged |
Hacienda51 Member
posted 08-11-1999 10:49 AM
JS-- your Yoda quote is way cool. (Sorry for rushing to post without an acknowledgement! How wude!) IP: Logged |
gundark Member
posted 08-11-1999 10:49 AM
do not or really do not...there is no do... IP: Logged |
C Creepio Member
posted 08-11-1999 11:09 AM
gundark: Great quote Moff: Jedi Soul's script must be got from Jedi Soul. And welcome. Nice hat. "Don't be too proud of this technological internet connection you've setup. The ability to surf the web is insignificant next to the power of the slack." IP: Logged |
Darth Tater Member
posted 08-11-1999 11:09 AM
I can't wate for the script! Twilight is upon me, and soon nap must come. (I know, but I couldn't think of anything better.)IP: Logged |
Hacienda51 Member
posted 08-11-1999 11:25 AM
"Your boss never told you what happened to your old browser." (Spoken by a limited-access ISP.)"He told me enough! He told me he was thinking of replacing it." "No. I AM YOUR BROWSER." "Noooooooo...that's not true...THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" IP: Logged |
Obi Two Member
posted 08-11-1999 11:29 AM
Good morning all. Still recovering from my company trying to get rid of me yesterday. Oh yeah, a quote: "If you only knew the power of the Sloth Side!"IP: Logged |
Darth Tater Member
posted 08-11-1999 11:30 AM
The slack is everywhere, even in the bosses office (but don't tell him you know that or you'll get fired!)IP: Logged |