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Star Wars May Cost me My Job: Episode 8 (Page 7)

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Author Topic: Star Wars May Cost me My Job: Episode 8
posted 08-10-1999 05:16 AM Click Here to See the Profile for rookie Edit/Delete Message
Up you go.

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Sand farmer
posted 08-10-1999 07:51 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Sand farmer Click Here to Email Sand farmer Edit/Delete Message
Good morning to all my friends here in the land of missasillyous. I hope the slack goes well today. I had a good slacking day yesterday. Spent a lot of time in the local Targets, Wal-Marts and Toys R Us's looking for Ep. 1 figures. I finally found Yoda and I must say it is the best looking Yoda they have ever made.

Slack, like you've never slacked before.

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posted 08-10-1999 08:02 AM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
the slack continues here...

good morning all faithful slackers. i finally saw an anakin figure at wal-mart last night.
on a night i wasn't carrying any cash of course...

oh well...

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Junior Member
posted 08-10-1999 08:36 AM Click Here to See the Profile for AmyAmeeAmi Click Here to Email AmyAmeeAmi Edit/Delete Message

What a story!!! Phew!

Anyway..what a day to SLACK! Do you guys know about those really cool Lightsaber pens??? EVERYONE here at w**k wants one. What a trendsetter I have become.


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posted 08-10-1999 09:09 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
We need to get the story back on track...

Jar Jar Binks, meanwhile, was hanging out in the men's room with Captain Tarpals.

"Meesa feel terrible, TERRIBLE!" cried Jar Jar, clutching his throbbing head. "Meesa feel like big doo-doo."

Captain Tarpals was too busy draining a flask of Gunganmeister to answer him.

(Aw, heck, I don't know. It's early.)

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THX 1204
posted 08-10-1999 09:36 AM Click Here to See the Profile for THX 1204 Edit/Delete Message
We must stop the story....

I have seen into the future and had the following vision:

Thursday morning.

PreacherBoy: Hmmm lets check on the Slackers, make sure they're staying in line now we've moved them to Misc..... My god a story, this shouldn't be here! I must move it to Fan Fiction!

By the end of Thursday, the Creepio for Admin thread will be back to the top, Sand farmer will have a number of locked threads to his name - with titles such as "Why did the Administrators do it again", " I call for a vote of no confidence in the council" etc and we will be in a forum that could potentially hold titles such as "Chewbacca's love" and "Nights with Yoda"

I'm telling you it'll hapen

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posted 08-10-1999 09:44 AM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
in the words of young obi-wan


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Vrian Sinth
posted 08-10-1999 10:43 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Vrian Sinth Click Here to Email Vrian Sinth Edit/Delete Message
In the words of Luke

That's Impossible!!!!

(he he) I get a kick doing that

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Darth XXX
posted 08-10-1999 10:45 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Darth XXX Edit/Delete Message
Where is Creepio? I've been gone for a few days and all his posts are no longer on page 1 of P(SA). Of course, I had to bring the Porkins thread to the top, but what happened to him?

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posted 08-10-1999 10:51 AM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
several regulars seem to be missing. maybe they have to work. i'm preparing to jump ship at my current job so slacking is an all day thing with me...

Creepio, TarynS, Amidala's Suitor,

where are you ?

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Darth XXX
posted 08-10-1999 11:01 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Darth XXX Edit/Delete Message

I don't see it.

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posted 08-10-1999 11:09 AM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
something is amiss...

slacker role call !

if you are here say hi !

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Amidala's Suitor
posted 08-10-1999 11:11 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Amidala's Suitor Click Here to Email Amidala's Suitor Edit/Delete Message
Sorry all, I've been slacking and posting, I just didn't get here until now. I've just been discussing Velvet Goldmine with one of my co-workers and listening to the beauty that is the VG soundtrack. As for SWMCMMJ, I laughed my rear off reading the story, especially Ric Olie' talking to Yoda. I say keep it going, but keep it a slacker story, the idea of Anaking getting laid at nine years old is more than a little disturbing.

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THX 1204
posted 08-10-1999 11:20 AM Click Here to See the Profile for THX 1204 Edit/Delete Message
THX 1204 standing by...

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posted 08-10-1999 11:25 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
I'm here too, and I'm working on a b!tch of a law brief so I need slacker distraction big time.

I think as long as the story focuses on slacking, we can keep it out of fanfic. It's not exactly a serious story anyway.

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C Creepio
posted 08-10-1999 11:27 AM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message

Just got out of a meeting. It was a bad meeting. A very bad meeting. It was very long but that's not why it was bad. There was a revelation. A dark, revelation. Something evil lurks within this company.

Our president said we are getting new internet software. Software that will control where we can and can't go on the net. My arch nemesis and our company's top anti-SW person is responsible for this. I am sure.

Thus, I may be forced into an early retirement as leader of the slacker's forum. I'll have to settle for a backseat role as coach of the evening crew.

This new action could take place this week, next week or next year, but it will happen. Thus, I must maximaize my slacking time while I can.

I'm sorry if I let you down but in the words of Han & Lando, "It's not my fault."

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posted 08-10-1999 11:33 AM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
NO !

there has to be some kind of loophole !
this can't be happening ! arrrrgh !

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posted 08-10-1999 11:34 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
Your office is getting Net Nanny for its employees? That sucks!

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Senator Binks2
posted 08-10-1999 11:35 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Senator Binks2 Edit/Delete Message
Don't get too down. There are always ways around things like this, Creepio.

See if you can find out what software they'll using. We can get through this together....

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posted 08-10-1999 11:35 AM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
i knew i sensed a disturbance in the slack

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THX 1204
posted 08-10-1999 11:48 AM Click Here to See the Profile for THX 1204 Edit/Delete Message

We will not be able to cope without you.

Find out the software, the bank I work for already have Internet restrictions - some pretty big ones ! This site is allowed though - maybe your bank will not ban this site either.

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Obi Two
posted 08-10-1999 11:52 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two Edit/Delete Message
I'm here!! I was busy discussing who is buying my division. I love working, I mean slacking here. I work at SGI, the cool company that makes workstations for ILM, who does the Star Wars special effects. This is not good, I like being part of Star Wars!!!

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Senator Binks2
posted 08-10-1999 12:07 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Senator Binks2 Edit/Delete Message
SGI is a cool company. I hope it works out Obi Two.

Tieing this all back to SW... this is just like ESB. The Empire is launching its attack on our stronghold. They must not be permitted to succeed.

Creepio... from what I understand, there are several types of Internet monitoring software packages. Some of them are set up and managed from your proxy server. If that's the case, the proxy will have a list file of "permission denied" sites. If you know your way around the proxy and are comfortable editing files in Notepad....

The other type is subscription based.... Most of these only block pornographic sites... in which case TF.N will probably escape completely unscathed.

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posted 08-10-1999 12:11 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
OB2--cool deal! My friend works for a lender, and one of their clients is a subcontractor for Lucasfilm, so when she audits the accounts she gets to see the copies of the Lucasfilm checks. She says they have little Yodas on them.

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Obi Two
posted 08-10-1999 12:16 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two Edit/Delete Message
Yes, Yoda checks are cool! All I got was a free screening of TPM. That was pretty cool though. We'll see what happens here. No working today, just slacking, this even gives me a bigger reason to slack, like I needed one!

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C Creepio
posted 08-10-1999 12:18 PM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message
Well, this new software action will not be tolerated. Hopefully, they don't already know that I'm on this site all day- even though my Sith coworker caught me here once. She's behind this, I know.
Is there a way they can block specific sites? Or will they just block all kind of stuff?

We must prevail!!!!!!!!!!

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Vrian Sinth
posted 08-10-1999 12:37 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Vrian Sinth Click Here to Email Vrian Sinth Edit/Delete Message
C Creepio, I've seen software like that before, but it seems there is always a way to work around the Net-Block and still access what you want. My friend does it all the time. The force is with you and I'm sure you can figure something out!!

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C Creepio
posted 08-10-1999 12:49 PM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message
"I won't fail you...I'm not afraid."

(I won't be...I won't be)

P.S. Where the hell is Jedi Soul??? What a slacker!

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posted 08-10-1999 12:56 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Crystena77 Click Here to Email Crystena77 Edit/Delete Message
Poor C Creepio...

I trust you find a way my friend.

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posted 08-10-1999 01:05 PM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
the more they tighten their grip...
the more slackers slip through their fingers...

[This message has been edited by gundark (edited 08-10-1999).]

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C Creepio
posted 08-10-1999 01:11 PM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message
I will not sit still for this...

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Vrian Sinth
posted 08-10-1999 01:14 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Vrian Sinth Click Here to Email Vrian Sinth Edit/Delete Message
Good one gundark!! (he he) That is truly awesome!!

Since Jedi Soul isn't here to post eye candy, maybe I could give you guys some.

I was checking out a dumb "Natalie or Carrie" thread and I felt I had to stand up for Carrie (not that I don't like Natalie). It seems that original trilogy cast are dumped on in PSA now that TPM is out.

Here is a Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) pic I found. (he he)

Sorry if I'm wasting valuable space (he he)

[This message has been edited by Vrian Sinth (edited 08-10-1999).]

[This message has been edited by Vrian Sinth (edited 08-10-1999).]

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posted 08-10-1999 01:15 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Crystena77 Click Here to Email Crystena77 Edit/Delete Message
Don't act so surprised C Creepio, you weren't on one of their slack missions...

Several spies were sent to your desk...

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Sand farmer
posted 08-10-1999 01:15 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Sand farmer Click Here to Email Sand farmer Edit/Delete Message
Creepio-I feel your pain. If they shut you down just get a new job. Hell, you can have mine, I don't want it. Speaking of the Sith, our office computer guy is here "installing new software". I hope I'm not being attacked. I must check into this Sith problem.

THX 1204-good call on stopping the fan fiction. I could just sence my inevitable banning. I always seem to get banned by the end of the day on Thursday no matter what I do. I'll never get past 200 posts at this point.

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posted 08-10-1999 01:23 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
Ha ha! I love the "altered" SW slacker quotes.

Here's mine. Actually, it's a bit of short theatre...

CREEPIO'S EMPLOYER (cackling): Good! Good! Now fulfill your work assignments, and take your co-worker's place at my side!
CREEPIO (crumpling up interoffice memo and throwing at away): Never. (Dramatic pause) I'll never get back to work. You've failed, Employer. I am a SLACKER, like my father before me.
CREEPIO'S EMPLOYER: So be it, SLACKER. (Another pause.) If you will not be tasked, then you will be UNEMPLOYED! (Blue Force-lightning spews forth from C.E.'s fingers, gnarled and bent from years of mindless office labor.)

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posted 08-10-1999 01:27 PM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message

Ha Ha ha ha ha ha !

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posted 08-10-1999 01:30 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Crystena77 Click Here to Email Crystena77 Edit/Delete Message
Great hacienda !

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Obi Two
posted 08-10-1999 01:36 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two Edit/Delete Message
Nice Hacienda, I needed something to cheer me up today! Creepio, the slack is strong with you, you will overcome this so-called crackdown, and emerge victorious!

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Amidala's Suitor
posted 08-10-1999 01:43 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Amidala's Suitor Click Here to Email Amidala's Suitor Edit/Delete Message
Creepio, man I feel for you. I sometimes forget how good I have that no one in my office cares that I'm on F.N all day and I can slack openly to some extent. I'm sorry and I hope it all works out ok with you, which I have a feeling it will, for the slack is strong with you.

On a lighter note, I honestly think you guys would be proud if you could see the slacking I've done today. Everyone has left the office for whatever reason, and it's just me and one other co worker who is really cool. We got bored so we pulled out her boom box, cranked up some Roxy Music, and started playing tag. Full fleged, run as hard as you can tag, so I've been slacking from the forums with my slacking. Unfortunatly (sp?)a couple of people came back so we had to get back to our cubes and look busy. Anyway, it's been a great day for the Slack around here!

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C Creepio
posted 08-10-1999 02:12 PM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message
"Yes, of course. As you know, my slackade is perfectly legal and I would be happy to receive the President's new internet software."

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