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Star Wars May Cost me My Job: Episode 8 (Page 6)

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Author Topic: Star Wars May Cost me My Job: Episode 8
posted 08-09-1999 08:54 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
TarynS and AAA-- I'm in NoVa too.

Now get to slack!!!

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C Creepio
posted 08-09-1999 09:04 AM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message
Yes, welcome back. TXH, glad you asked.

Took some TPM ignorants to their first ever viewing (these are girls 29 & 27). All the way there, they were saying, "this better not suck" and "let's go see Blair Witch" but I held strong and we saw.
They loved it. Here's what they thought: Pod race=cool, light sabers=cool, Darth Maul=kind of scary, Jar Jar=Not that bad!!, Palpy/Sid=intriguing, Ewan=better than Liam.
Thus, two more TPM fans have been born, courtesy of your leader and lifelong slackmaster, C Creepio of Creepiville

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posted 08-09-1999 09:06 AM Click Here to See the Profile for QASM Click Here to Email QASM Edit/Delete Message
How CRAZY! Gone for a couple days and there's already 6 pages of posts?!?

Hey TarynS how's MD/DC treatin' ya? Better than it treated me I hope...

Last week of "work". You know what that means... Just cleaning out my desk and taking 2 hour lunches.

Come to think of it, that's not much different than what I've been doing...

Oh and Good Morning to all who've checked in!


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Junior Member
posted 08-09-1999 09:17 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Stellar Click Here to Email Stellar Edit/Delete Message
Morning all! Just putting off going to work by coming here. Just thought I would stop in and say hi! Have a great day slacking!

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posted 08-09-1999 09:17 AM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
I too reside in NoVa

seeing as there are so many government jobs here it's no wonder why the area is such a wretched hive of slack and apathy...

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posted 08-09-1999 09:25 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
Good job, Creepio!

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posted 08-09-1999 09:32 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
(Is there such a thing as a "good job"?)

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posted 08-09-1999 09:35 AM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
you can do a good job slacking...

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Amidala's Suitor
posted 08-09-1999 09:37 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Amidala's Suitor Click Here to Email Amidala's Suitor Edit/Delete Message
Good morning all, everyone in my office is back from vaction, so it look's like I'll be doing some hardcore slacking this week to make up for last weeks lack of slack. Aaaahhh, the goodness of the Slack...

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C Creepio
posted 08-09-1999 09:40 AM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message
Yes, we slack. And we slack well.

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Vrian Sinth
posted 08-09-1999 10:44 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Vrian Sinth Click Here to Email Vrian Sinth Edit/Delete Message
Yeah, I don't drink....but I sure like to party with my Sprite and Root Beer!!

Ahhhh. I was thinking I was going to have to read through 100 posts from the weekend, but it ended up only being like twenty. People just enjoy slacking a little too much over the weekend .

Slack on!!

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posted 08-09-1999 10:44 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Crystena77 Click Here to Email Crystena77 Edit/Delete Message
Crystena77, present and accounted for.

Did anyone else notice that the more they watch TPM the more they like Jar Jar and Anakin begins to grind on your nerves?

Subliminal messages maybe?

Slack on.

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posted 08-09-1999 11:02 AM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message

yeah, i noticed that too...

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Senator Binks2
posted 08-09-1999 11:08 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Senator Binks2 Edit/Delete Message
Morning meeting just finished. Binks, checking in.

Report on SWMCMMJ Infantry Status. ETA: This Afternoon. More details to follow.

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Obi Two
posted 08-09-1999 11:18 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two Edit/Delete Message
Good morning all... Another Monday slack fest, especially since my boss isn't here, and there is big news coming out tomorrow about our company, so right now everyone is sitting around and discussing rumors, very unproductive, and very slacker like. Hehehe... As for the drinking, I do it in moderation, I just talk a big game, that's it. I get a head ache after 2 beers any more, I must be getting old, oh well....

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Obi Two
posted 08-09-1999 12:20 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two Edit/Delete Message
Back to the top, for all the slackers to see...

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C Creepio
posted 08-09-1999 12:23 PM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message
We seem to be the members of a dying breed.

That's bad.

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Sand farmer
posted 08-09-1999 12:26 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Sand farmer Click Here to Email Sand farmer Edit/Delete Message
There is a new person working in my office as of today. I must investigate to see if she is a Sith.

Back to the top with ye!

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posted 08-09-1999 01:18 PM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
Hmmm... perhaps we are slacking to the point of neglecting our duties to post all kinds of
random Star Wars BS...

or maybe it's just a listless monday.

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Obi Two
posted 08-09-1999 01:22 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two Edit/Delete Message
Monday = Slack Day... but then again so does Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.

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posted 08-09-1999 01:37 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
What this thread needs is a good group story.

I'll start it, and I'll use the SW/slack idea that I'm currently obsessed with:

Amidala Slacks Off

An EU Fanfic story by the Slacker Council.

It was a rainy morning. The day before had been unbelieveably exciting, with a space battle, a ground battle, and high-stakes political maneuvering. But the day had been won, the Naboo had retaken what was theirs, and peace and order was restored for a time to the galaxy.

Snug in her bed in a faded Theed University sweatshirt and plaid pajama bottoms, Amidala celebrated her hard-earned victory by taking s Slack Day. She ordered Sache to bring her a bowl of Froot Loops and the remote control.

Just then, an unwelcome hologram flashed at the foot of her bed. Amidala groaned when she saw who it was. What could he possibly want?

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C Creepio
posted 08-09-1999 01:51 PM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message
She sat up and watched the hologram flicker and jitter until the image of Obi-Wan Kenobi stood in front of her. Padme noticed something different about him- the cigarette that dangled from his mouth and the can of Pabst Blue Ribbon in his hand. He said, "The time to celebrate is now, your majesty. Everybody's here at the Gungan Crab Shack. there's Karaoke and free pizza. Come on down!"

And the image disappeared. Padme sat on the edge of her bed, wondering what to do....

(I hope I didn't ruin it This has potential. Work with it, baby)

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Sand farmer
posted 08-09-1999 02:04 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Sand farmer Click Here to Email Sand farmer Edit/Delete Message
Meanwhile, deep below the waters of Naboo in the private chamers of Boss Nass, the Gungan leader rose from his slumber, shook his face rapidly dischargin slobber ans slime all about the room and put on his bath robe. Nass thought of the previous day's battle and how proud he was that no one noticed that he was no where to be seen during the conflict. Nass walked to his book shelf an picked up the glowing sphere that had been given to him by the Queen and wondered, "What the hell is this thing?"

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posted 08-09-1999 02:14 PM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message


Very Dangerous New Virus!

There is a new virus going around, called 'work'. If you receive
any sort of 'work' at all, whether via email, internet or simply handed to
you by a colleague...

DO NOT OPEN IT. This has been circulating around our building for months and those who have been tempted to open 'work' or even look at 'work' have found that their social life is deleted and their brain ceases to
function properly.

If you do encounter 'work' via email or are faced with any 'work'
at all, then to purge the virus, send an email to your boss with the words
'I've had enough of your crap........ I'm off to the pub'.

The 'work' should automatically be forgotten by your brain. If you
receive 'work' in paper-document form, simply lift the document and drag the 'work' to your garbage
can and put on your hat and coat and skip to the nearest bar with two
friends and order three pints of Guinness (or rum punch). After repeating this action 14 times, you will find that "work' will no longer be of any relevance to you and that 'Scooby Doo' was the greatest cartoon ever.

Send this message to everyone in your address book. If you do NOT have anyone in your address book, then I'm afraid the 'work' virus has already corrupted your life. Please be careful.


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Darth Tater
posted 08-09-1999 02:19 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Darth Tater Edit/Delete Message
Before I take part in this slack story I have a Force related work story. A nut at work was flicking pennies at people today, but whenever one was flicked at me it would move out of the way and swerve around me. I'm serious! So I could only say:
For my ally is the force, and a powerfull ally it is.


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Darth Tater
posted 08-09-1999 03:52 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Darth Tater Edit/Delete Message
Where is everybody?

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Senator Binks2
posted 08-09-1999 03:53 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Senator Binks2 Edit/Delete Message
Palpatine woke to the throbbing beat of Naboo's only Karaoke machine. The strains of "Jedi Rock" beat in tempo to the headache winding its way up his forehead. Only twelve noon, and the Gungan Crab Shack was already in full swing. How typical.

Moaning, he opened his eyes, and then rubbed them in astonishment. What was he doing sitting on Amidala's throne? And what the hell had he been drinking???

Stumbling to the door, Palpatine noticed Panaka passed out in the corner, a bottle of Colt 45 tucked into his outstretched hand. Mysteriously, Panaka's pants also appeared to be missing. Replacing his military skirt, the words "blaster ass" were plainly written on his underwear. Palpatine subdued a soft chuckle.

In fact, the whole Throne Room had seen better days. In addition to the blaster marks pocketing the marble walls, the ornate windows had suffered damage from some dangerous "bottle rockets" Panaka's troops had been tossing around. That Gungan stripper hadn't calmed things down, either.

Moaning, Palpatine stepped to the door. He needed to find water... and a nice, soft bed....

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Obi Two
posted 08-09-1999 04:15 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two Edit/Delete Message
Damn it, I had a great story, and the damn server messed it up! OK, here's the abbreviated version, since I don't want to type out the long version.

Mace Windu decided to visit the Gungan Crab Shack. All was well until he started reciting Bible verses...

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Dara Starscream
posted 08-09-1999 04:22 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Dara Starscream Edit/Delete Message
Before I add my two cents (thus overdrawing myself, again) to this little round robin, here's a little tidbit.

Saturday, I went to have my hair trimmed. I was chatting with the hairdresser and she mentioned that she'd got so fed up with her last job, one day, she walked in and quit. Just like that: walked in and quit. And you know what she did, after quitting five years worth of job? Saw Star Wars.

Anyway, back to story:
Sabe bit into her pizza, wincing as her teeth crunched through the slightly singed and very stale crust. She'd eaten worse. She was damned if she could remember what, but she'd eaten worse.

This place she thought with disgust as she moved through the wreckage of the Crab Shack, is a pit. An entertaining pit, but a pit nonetheless. Music she couldn't identify, the bass turned so high it drowned out the lyrics and most of the other instruments, saturated the air, flashing colored lights pulsing, drilling the eyes. The floor space was choked with moving bodies, bouncing more or less in time with the backbeat. Anyone seeking refuge from the battering motion lined the walls, nursing drink and more stale pizza. The occasional passed-out party added the finishing touch.

And it wasn't even five'o'clock yet.

Sabe craned her neck over the mass of heads. In the middle of the dance floor, she saw Obi-Wan with a girl on all sides, dancing with each and every one like she was the only one in the room, an idiot grin on his face. The frenzied, slightly bloodshot look in his eyes reassured Sabe not at all. Then again, a drunk Jedi might be . . . educational to observe.

Rabe, one of her fellow Handmaidens, ambled over with a drink in each hand, stepping delicately over a comatose Jar Jar.

Sabe accepted the drink and took a long swig. "Who's he dancing with?" she howled over the noise, angling her mouth right by Rabe's ear.

Rabe didn't have to ask who she meant. "All of 'em, I think."


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posted 08-09-1999 04:26 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
...when he bumped smack into Amidala, who had just finished getting dressed.

Or had she? Palpy rubbed his bleary eyes in astonishment. Amidala's normally perfect hair was sloppily pulled into a pink scrunchie that even Palpy recognized as having been out of style for several years now. The scrunchie was dingy, as if she had found it underneath a dresser. (Which, in fact, she had.)

Sache, hurrying behind, leaned over with a red lipstick to quickly apply the traditional dots and lip-slash, but Amidala irritably slapped away Sache's hand, causing the lipstick to leave an unsightly gash across the handmaiden's face. Palpy chuckled to himself.

"Dammit, Sache, give it a rest. I'm slacking today." Amidala pulled the Theed University sweatshirt that she had slept in over one of King Veruna's old t-shirts. She was dressed in sweatpants with paint stains and a pair of fuzzy bunny slippers. "Palpy, what the Tatooine are you doing in my throne room?"

Palpy began to reply when Amidala turned to Sache, who was still rubbing the makeup from her face, and said, "Can you go get me a juice box from the fridge? I'm parched."

Sache ran out, not sure what had become of her Queen.

Palpy smiled wearily and began his spiel. "Well, your Majesty, I was just guarding the throne from the hordes of drunken revelers rampaging through the palace..."

Amidala cut him off. "Bantha poo-doo," she snapped. "I know what you're up to. You're going to become Emperor, convert my former husband to evil and wipe out the Jedi." Sache returned with the juice box. Amidala snatched it and added, "But never mind that now. Slacker City, here I come!"

She secretly hoped Kenobi had an extra cigarette. She was nic-ing like a fiend.

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Senator Binks2
posted 08-09-1999 04:50 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Senator Binks2 Edit/Delete Message
Anakin was pushing back a Tequila Sunrise when Obi Wan tottered up unsteadily, one of the handmaidens hanging off his arm. It was getting dark, now, and the Crab Shack was hitting its prime.

"Here kid," I'll show ya how it's done, he mumbled, inhaling what remained of Jar Jar's whisky & soda, and knocking the empty glass over.

"Wizard," Ani cried, and got to his feet. After getting to his feet again, and then for the third time, Anakin finally staggered uncertainly to the dance floor. "Use the Force, Ani" Kenobi whispered in his ear, as he launched into the Kenobi groove.

The dance floor was spinning, and those damn strobe lights didn't help. Still, Anakin felt bold and brave... courageous. "Hey, chick!" he should. Sabe wanted him, he could feel it.

"Hey kid," Ric shouted from somewhere deep in the dance pit. "You catch on pretty quick! Score that babe!"

Sabe turned, and....

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posted 08-09-1999 04:53 PM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
Meanwhile... at the Crab Shack.

Ric Olie was having as usual, an interesting conversation.

" So, you're green huh ? "

" mmmm...yes "

" Short too... "

" Your questions, have a point do they "

Ric became flustered " Just trying to make conversation. "

The engimatic green creature snorted...

Ric tried again.

" You know, i think i could be a jedi, i catch on quick "

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Darth Tater
posted 08-09-1999 04:57 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Darth Tater Edit/Delete Message
As Amidala stumbled into the party she noticed Anakin sitting alone degectedly in the corner. Amidala threw her hair back and headed over to him.
"Wanna dance?" She asked him sexilly.
"Well, I'm only 9, but what the h*ll, why not?"

Later that night in Amidala's quarter's...
(This does not have to imply what it implies.)

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Vrian Sinth
posted 08-09-1999 04:58 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Vrian Sinth Click Here to Email Vrian Sinth Edit/Delete Message
Amidala winced her way downstairs and entered the Gungan Crab Shack. Not knowing what to expect she realized she looked like padme after having washed off all her makup.

She stared for a few minutes at Obi-Wan as he danced around like a chicken with it's head cut off.

She dicided to take a look in the kitchen to see if the chefs were following Naboo Kitchen Rules and saw Jar Jar pinned down in the Corner. Jar Jar yelled in terror "Meesa in big doo doo"!

Just then Anakin ran into the shack.

I made 400 posts!!!

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Obi Two
posted 08-09-1999 05:07 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two Edit/Delete Message
Anakin ran in and bumped right into Amidala.
"Haven't we met somewhere before?" he said slyly.
Amidala replied, "Of course we have Ani, so don't try those lame pick up lines on me. Hasn't Obi-wan tought you any Jedi stuff yet?"
"Nope, just pick up lines... Wait, he did say that the Force is a powerful ally when it comes to picking up women. Hmmm..."
"You will come upstairs with me tonight."
"I will come upstairs with you tonight", Amidala replied.
"You will remember that I am only 9 years old, so you won't take advantage of me."
"Yes, I will remember that you are only 9 years old, so I won't take advantage of you."
"Unless you really want to, hehehe...."

[This message has been edited by Obi Two (edited 08-09-1999).]

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Obi Two
posted 08-09-1999 05:49 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two Edit/Delete Message
And then Yoda spoke and said "Back to the top with you."

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Senator Binks2
posted 08-09-1999 06:05 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Senator Binks2 Edit/Delete Message
Somehow this has evolved from a slacker story to a "let's get Anakin laid" story.

There's something disturbing about that.

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Obi Two
posted 08-09-1999 06:08 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two Edit/Delete Message
That's probably true. Sorry... We just couldn't think of anything creative to do with Jedi mind tricks...

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Darth Tater
posted 08-09-1999 06:34 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Darth Tater Edit/Delete Message
Any humurous Star Wars fanfic has to involve that little 9 year old doing things he's to young for. It's the American way!

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Senator Binks2
posted 08-09-1999 07:38 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Senator Binks2 Edit/Delete Message
Hey kid," Ric shouted from somewhere deep in the dance pit. "You catch on pretty quick! Score that babe!"

Not that I'm not complicit or anything

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