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Star Wars May Cost Me My Job: Episode 43 (Page 2)

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Author Topic: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job: Episode 43
posted 08-12-1999 02:49 PM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
it's truly sad you don't have anything better to do with your time kid

this is me crying for you...

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Son of the Suns
posted 08-12-1999 02:49 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Son of the Suns Click Here to Email Son of the Suns Edit/Delete Message
what are you so upset about ?

You don't want to know, and frankly I don't want to get in trouble over this, so I'll leave already so you can go back to your pointless chatting.

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Amidala's Suitor
posted 08-12-1999 02:55 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Amidala's Suitor Click Here to Email Amidala's Suitor Edit/Delete Message
SOTS, good riddance.
As for dynamite kid, check out his e-mail address and I think you'll get the idea of his mental capacity.


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posted 08-12-1999 02:55 PM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
hey sots

this is a zero BS post. i'm sorry if something is upsetting you or bothering you, but if it isn't really us slackers or this thread than don't bring it up here.

if it's a personal issue you are well-liked and well respected enough here to have many people that would want to help and talk to you out on a one on one basis. no hard feelings huh ? trying to put on the guise of a pseudo-admin is not going to make you feel any better about anything, it's just gonna get a bunch of people that are trying to have fun here like you pissed off...

so everythings cool okeday ?

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posted 08-12-1999 02:56 PM Click Here to See the Profile for rookie Click Here to Email rookie Edit/Delete Message
Woo hoo...a new slacker thread!!!

I should really register for my Literature class...instead, I'm sitting here as my brain wastes away slowly. Slack on!

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C Creepio
posted 08-12-1999 02:56 PM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message
At first I thought this bickering was pointless but when I thought about it, I realized this: Son of Suns and dynamite are contributing to my slacking. I do less actual work because I want to come in here and read their responses. So in essence, Son of Suns and dynamite are Slacker Instigators! They give all the more reason to slack!!!

Cheers, my lads!
Thank you for the opportunity to perfect my slacking skills!

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Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 08-12-1999 02:58 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS Edit/Delete Message
Loosen up Kid. You walk around worrying about what everyone does you'll have no one to watch over yourself. I really do hate nosy people.
Here is a little true story for you, kid
All my neighbors just love to rat me out to my mom for absolutely nothing. They'd make me sound like teen feind doing all sort of bad things. (When I didn't do a thing at all)
What they should have minded was their own business. If they did that their teen fiends wouldn't have ended up dropping out of school, doing all sorts of drugs or getting pregnant at 15.

So Kid I hope you get the hint here. Mind yourself not annoy other people with what you think is good or bad.

Man I hate when I make long posts. Especially not too happy ones.

Why don't they ever bug other threads?

[This message has been edited by Jedi Knight TarynS (edited 08-12-1999).]

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the dynamite kid
Junior Member
posted 08-12-1999 03:00 PM Click Here to See the Profile for the dynamite kid Click Here to Email the dynamite kid Edit/Delete Message
This forum has turned to **** because of YOU GUYS. Ask any administrator - they consider the Misc. forum a wasteland.

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posted 08-12-1999 03:01 PM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
kid. you're still here ?

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Jedi Knight TarynS
posted 08-12-1999 03:04 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Knight TarynS Click Here to Email Jedi Knight TarynS Edit/Delete Message
Hey kid, we know you're a member of JC. So why hide behind this fake alias you're using now?

You know it's pointless talking to you. Just disapear. Please.

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the dynamite kid
Junior Member
posted 08-12-1999 03:04 PM Click Here to See the Profile for the dynamite kid Click Here to Email the dynamite kid Edit/Delete Message
Gundark - no ****, sherlock.

I never said that, Charlie Chan, you have been banned.

[This message has been edited by PreacherBoy (edited 08-12-1999).]

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posted 08-12-1999 03:06 PM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
so you decide to help out PB by posting some kidde porn here. boy you're a friggn' genius...

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posted 08-12-1999 03:07 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
Okay, guys, let's let it go. We're just encouraging this jacka$$.

Slack on! We only have two more hours or so left, so we need some quality slack.


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Son of the Suns
posted 08-12-1999 03:08 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Son of the Suns Click Here to Email Son of the Suns Edit/Delete Message
Ok at least there is something we all can agree on..this dynamyte kid is full of ****.

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posted 08-12-1999 03:08 PM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
yeah. i sense a banning in the near future anyway so back to slacking...

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the dynamite kid
Junior Member
posted 08-12-1999 03:09 PM Click Here to See the Profile for the dynamite kid Click Here to Email the dynamite kid Edit/Delete Message
Gundark - I did not post anything even remotely close to kiddie-porn.

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the dynamite kid
Junior Member
posted 08-12-1999 03:14 PM Click Here to See the Profile for the dynamite kid Click Here to Email the dynamite kid Edit/Delete Message
Gundark- Than why haven't i been banned yet???? You don't know who I am. The administrators who you think can save you, will not. They agree with me! Everyone is fed up with these threads.

[This message has been edited by the dynamite kid (edited 08-12-1999).]

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Obi Two
posted 08-12-1999 03:15 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two Edit/Delete Message
I am glad to see our slacking has taken a new urgency. This is all very amusing. Rock on gundark!

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posted 08-12-1999 03:20 PM Click Here to See the Profile for AmyAmeeAmi Edit/Delete Message
Gosh dk - Do you have some kind of problem with yourself that you feel the only way to be fulfilled is through wasting your time bashing others??? The weakest person is one who is so insecure in himself that he feels better putting others down.

Get a life.


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Jedi Soul
posted 08-12-1999 03:20 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Jedi Soul Click Here to Email Jedi Soul Edit/Delete Message
Listen, almost ALL big threads in here turn into conversations. We are doing NOTHING to hurt this forum. Only YOU are. I don't like flaming and I don't give a godd*mn who you are, but you really have some problems to work out. Leave us alone. (Yeah, go on, flame me. That'll just prove how immature and ignorant you are. SOTS also complained about our thread and HE thinks your wacko. For Godsakes, GET A LIFE!!!)

To my fellow slackers...
I got tied up this afternoon. I will post the next commercial tonight. If you want the screenplay, just email me.

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C Creepio
posted 08-12-1999 03:24 PM Click Here to See the Profile for C Creepio Click Here to Email C Creepio Edit/Delete Message
No, the Admins are not fed up with this thread and here's why:

Every other thread on TF.N is wither redundant, pointless or boring. This is the one thread where people who 'know' each other can hang out until any new SW news breaks.

The reasons the Admins should not be fed up with us is because we could easily go out and start dozens of pointless threads. There are a lot of us slackers- think if there was no slacker's forum and we had to go out and post all over the place. there'd be like a hundred times more threads! Instead, all our BS is confined to this one thread that doens't bother a soul.


My guess on who is dynamite: Either Son of Suns, Preacher Boy or some other person who is set on "corrupting" this thread.

I myself, do not feel corrupt but rather...passive.

Slack on!

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the dynamite kid
Junior Member
posted 08-12-1999 03:24 PM Click Here to See the Profile for the dynamite kid Click Here to Email the dynamite kid Edit/Delete Message
I'm not flaming anybody. I'm just saying that this thread is the type of trash that will not be accepted anymore.

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Sand farmer
posted 08-12-1999 03:25 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Sand farmer Click Here to Email Sand farmer Edit/Delete Message
Wow! I go eat lunch and waste some time slacking in Target then get back and we have moved and are up to Episode 43. (Why 43? Any significance or just the number that popped in your twisted head Creepio?)

I'm glad we moved again Master Creepio. Everytime we get bigger than eight pages, it takes for ever for the newest page to load. Good call faithful leader.

Now for some ranting...
Why the **** did ******** *** and *** ** *** **** come in here? This is a place for happy people. Happy I say. Happy! We do not allow flaming or infighting in this tread and we do not appreciate threats in this thread. This is a happy place. HAPPY!.

(edited by the partnership to keep Sand farmer from getting banned on Thursdays)

Now my ranting is done. Everyone have fun.
Fun I say!

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Darth Tater
posted 08-12-1999 03:27 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Darth Tater Edit/Delete Message
Jedi Soul, is it almost done? I can't wait for it! Dynamite, you're a member who's gotten banned from here before aren't you?

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Obi Two
posted 08-12-1999 03:28 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two Edit/Delete Message
Whatever! Nuff said, DK you don't dignify a response, but since I am a slacker at heart, I had to post something. Hehehe...

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posted 08-12-1999 03:30 PM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message

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the dynamite kid
Junior Member
posted 08-12-1999 03:30 PM Click Here to See the Profile for the dynamite kid Click Here to Email the dynamite kid Edit/Delete Message
It's funny how you don't see any administrators rushing to your aid, isn't it??? It's funny how no one is banning me, isn't it???

I told you. You don't know who I am. I can assure you, because I seen it myself - The administrators, as well as many others, are more than fed up with these "Slacker" threads.

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posted 08-12-1999 03:30 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
Okay, I know I just said to ignore this guy, but he is really pi$$ing me off...

Okay, O righteous one, "everybody is fed up with these threads?" What's the big deal? Everybody's welcome to slack with us, we're not posting anything obscene, we're not flaming anybody. In fact, this is one of the friendlier threads I've been in. And I think the content of this thread has just as much merit as "Natalie Portman Dream Date," "Then I'll See You In Hello!" and other such threads (no disrespect to the creators of those threads, BTW). This is MISCELLANEOUS. These threads have been open for months and there hasn't been a problem...until now.

We are having fun and getting each other through the work day. This is a positive thread and I really resent you coming in here and acting like a self-righteous a$$hole. Grow up already.

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Had Abbadon
posted 08-12-1999 03:31 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Had Abbadon Click Here to Email Had Abbadon Edit/Delete Message
Even though I don't post in these threads, I just want to say that you have my support. These threads are no different from any other. So slack on.

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Senator Binks2
posted 08-12-1999 03:31 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Senator Binks2 Edit/Delete Message
Wow! So much has happened in so little time....

This forum has turned to **** because of YOU GUYS. Ask any administrator - they consider the Misc. forum a wasteland.

They dumped us in here against our will, dynamite. Can't say we didn't warn them....

I think some people are just resentful that their threads don't seem to stay up at the top. My advice -- try getting to know people in "community" threads. When they know you, they'll be much more likely to contribute to your threads... and you'll feel as if you're having a much deeper conversation.

Hey -- I know some people on this forum better than I know some coworkers.

Is that wierd?

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Obi Two
posted 08-12-1999 03:33 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two Edit/Delete Message
Yeah! What Hacienda said! By the way DK, we don't need the administrators to run to our aid, we can defend ourselves just fine. By the way, what is up your a**?

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posted 08-12-1999 03:35 PM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
Hacienda hard core !

the fact that no admin has rushed in here i think really speaks to the fact the admins don't need to patrol this thread because there aren't any problems in it

but come to think of it... PreacherBoy did edit that post really really quick...

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posted 08-12-1999 03:36 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Hacienda51 Edit/Delete Message
Thank you! (To NonSlack Ambassor (we would be happy to receive the ambassadors!) Had Abbadon and to my slacker brothers ObiTwo and gundark)

Feel the love!

[This message has been edited by Hacienda51 (edited 08-12-1999).]

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Darth Tater
posted 08-12-1999 03:36 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Darth Tater Edit/Delete Message
Man, almost to page three! This thread is growing so quickly! Funny, it's almost all thanks to Dynamite Kid!

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Master Tan Skywalker
posted 08-12-1999 03:37 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Master Tan Skywalker Click Here to Email Master Tan Skywalker Edit/Delete Message
Hello all. I am kind of new to the forum and never posted on any of the slacker threads because I felt like I was not a part of the "in" group because I was new. I just want everyone to know that the slacker threads are really refreshing and funny and everyone needs to calm down. There are tons of "chat" threads here even in the PSA. Darth Tater has one in the PSA right now. I don't see why everyone gets so upset about C Creepio's threads. The slackers are probably the main group of people keeping this forum alive. Can't we all just get along and share our little stories from our Star Wars influenced lives?

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Pizza the Nut
posted 08-12-1999 03:41 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Pizza the Nut Click Here to Email Pizza the Nut Edit/Delete Message
As far as I'm concerned, dynamite can go to hell and rot for 1000 years. The Admins are not jumping to our aide, correct. But the Admins haven't responded at all. Except for erasing that kiddie-porn picture dynamite will probably use tonight....

Until the Admins come in and close this thread, dynamo-kid can suck my pizza nuts!!!

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Obi Two
posted 08-12-1999 03:41 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Obi Two Edit/Delete Message
Yeah, what that Skywalker guy said!

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posted 08-12-1999 03:42 PM Click Here to See the Profile for gundark Edit/Delete Message
thanks Master Tan Skywalker and Had Abbadon you all are welcome in here
anytime... or you can join us for drinks in the Clique Lounge...

[This message has been edited by gundark (edited 08-12-1999).]

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Darth Tater
posted 08-12-1999 03:46 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Darth Tater Edit/Delete Message
Skywalker, welcome. I'm sure you're more then welcome to join our ranks and my ranks in my thread in P:SA. Pizza, I guess you can say stuff like that cause if you get banned you'll still be here. I don't really understand that myself, but I have a mystical feeling that there are more of you... I mean there's more to you then meats the eye.

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the dynamite kid
Junior Member
posted 08-12-1999 03:48 PM Click Here to See the Profile for the dynamite kid Click Here to Email the dynamite kid Edit/Delete Message
I hope you all realize that the Administrators silence is speaking volumes.

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