Author Topic: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
Emerik Lonestar
Registered: Sep '99
Date Posted: 2/28/00 12:52pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
Nice job Fats.

Sithspawn! What is that?
That's the sun.
Turn it off! It offends me.
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Mr. Electric
Registered: Jan '00

Date Posted: 2/28/00 12:57pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
star wars may cost me my grade in this class if the teacher ever wises up to what i'm doing right now...

i'm your little mud puddle of love.
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Mr. Electric
Registered: Jan '00

Date Posted: 2/28/00 12:58pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
star wars may cost me my grade in this class if the teacher ever wises up to what i'm doing right now...

i'm your little mud puddle of love.
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Drunken Yoda I Am
Registered: Oct '99

Date Posted: 2/28/00 1:21pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
I would never slack. You are all sinners. And when you die, you can go to hell and answer to satan!

Slackers Suck!

(is this called spam or would I have to repeat the message 60 times to make it spam?)

Slack on kids!


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Emerik Lonestar
Registered: Sep '99
Date Posted: 2/28/00 1:37pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
Who are you calling kid, son?

Sithspawn! What is that?
That's the sun.
Turn it off! It offends me.
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Registered: Dec '99

Date Posted: 2/28/00 7:12pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
"They do not like you."
"I'm sorry."
"I don't like you, either. You just watch yourself. I've made slackers work in 12 systems."
"I'll watch myself."
"You'll WORK!"

"Listen, I can't skip work. I've got a presentation to do! It's not that I like work, I hate it, but there's nothing I can do about it right now. And it'll be taken out of my paycheck."
"That's your boss talking."

"Hokey UBBs and ancient admins are no match for a good slacker at your side, kid."

"The Jedi Council will no longer be of any concern to us. I have just received word that the slackers have infected the council permanently. The last remnants of internet morality and good behavior have been swept away."
"But that's impossible! How will they maintain control without Chyren?"
"The regional slackers now have direct control over their forums. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of our indomitable loins."

"We seem to be made to slack. It's our lot in life."

"For more than a thousand generations the slackers were guardians of foul language and nipple threads in the galaxy. Before the dark times. Before the admins."

"I find your slacking faith disturbing."

"When I left you, I was but a slacker. Now I am a corporate CEO who doesn't know his southmoust exhaust port from a hole in the ground."

"Look at the size of my thing!"
"Cut the gloating, Bullwinkle."

"It's obvious that we cannot decide this with our control over the Force. We must have a test of lightsabers!"
-Count Dooku, master of subtlety
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Registered: Dec '99

Date Posted: 2/28/00 7:17pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
"Right now I feel like I could slack all day myself!"

"Slacking are you? What know you of slacking? For eight hundred years have I slacked at work. My own counsel will I keep on how I shall slack. A slacker must have the worst morals, the most insipid mind. These ones a long time have I watched. All their lives have they worked away... for their bosses, for their administrators. Never their minds on where they were! Hmm. What they were doing! Hmph! Work! Heh! Relationships! Heh! A slacker craves not these things! You are accountable!"

"Luke! Don't give into your boss! That leads to the dark side."

"The son of Skywalker must not become a slacker."
"If he could be trained, he would be a powerful technical consultant."
"Yes... yes... can it be done?"
"He shall consult or bank, my master."

"Work matters not. Judge me by my working skills, do you? As well you should not. For my ally is the Slack, and a powerful ally it is. Work creates it, makes it grow... Lazy beings are we, not this energetic matter. You must feel the Slack around you, between you, me, the admins, your boss, everywhere. Yes, even between your large stacks of paperwork and the receptionist with the big jugs."

"The Slack is with you, young Skywalker. But you don't have the guts to call in sick yet."

"I am wondering... why are you here?"
"I'm looking for slackers."
"Looking? Found slacker you have! Slack I can, yes!"
"I don't think so. I'm look for great porn."
"Ohhh... great porn... porn not make one great! Jasman! You seek jasman!"

"There is no escape. Don't make me make you work. Luke, you do not yet realize your insignificance. You have only begun to discover your monotony. Join me, and we will sit on our butts and watch TV. With our combined laziness, we can end this destructive job and bring slacking to the galaxy!"

"It's obvious that we cannot decide this with our control over the Force. We must have a test of lightsabers!"
-Count Dooku, master of subtlety
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Registered: Dec '99

Date Posted: 2/28/00 7:22pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
"He's more administrator now than man; twisted and evil."

"Take your slacking weapon! Strike me down with all of your responsibility and your journey towards administrator will be complete."

"This slacker is my kind of scum: fearless and lazy."

"Never. I'll never turn to the sober side. You have failed your highness. I am a fat, bald, ugly drunkard with a limp lightsaber, like my father before me."

"It's obvious that we cannot decide this with our control over the Force. We must have a test of lightsabers!"
-Count Dooku, master of subtlety
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Registered: Dec '99

Date Posted: 2/28/00 7:24pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
"You're a slave?"
"I'm a slacker, and my name is Anakin."

Qui-Gon: "Feel, don't think."

Yoda: "Think, don't feel."

"If me be returnin, de admins will do terrible things to mesa! TEWWIBLE things!"
"Do you hear that?"
"That is the sound of a thousand terrible newbies headed this way."
"If they find us, they will complain about us, flame us into little pieces, and then start threads about Sanibel Island.”
"Hmmm.... yousa point is well said."

"Hope is the path to the dark side. Hope leads to job search, job search leads to job, job leads to complete loss of individuality, and complete loss of individuality leads to the rank of Administrator! I sense much hope in you.

"You're a slacker, aren't you?"
"What makes you think that?"
"I saw your vocabulary. Only slackers talk like that."
"Perhaps I kill slackers like a big Venus fly trap, posting nipple threads and then sneaking a virus into their 'puter when they're in the john."
"I don't think so. You can't infect a slacker. They're too disease-ridden, pathetic, and morally corrupt to be flamed or banned permanently from anything."
"I guess that is so."

"It's obvious that we cannot decide this with our control over the Force. We must have a test of lightsabers!"
-Count Dooku, master of subtlety
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Registered: Jun '99
Date Posted: 2/28/00 8:39pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
Jedi Knight
posted 02-28-2000 12:52 PM

Nice job Fats.

I can't take credit, the man who started this particular thread is the man who created the logo above.

I'm too lazy to do something that cool.

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Registered: Jun '99
Date Posted: 3/14/00 9:54pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
up for TarynS

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Registered: Jun '99
Date Posted: 5/8/00 8:52pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
It didn't cost me my job when I got caught.

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junior senator
Registered: Aug '98

Date Posted: 5/8/00 9:12pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
who likes pictures?


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Darth Dark Helmet
Title: Manager Emeritus
Registered: Dec '99
Date Posted: 5/8/00 9:25pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Geneva,Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>You've failed your admintrationess, I am a Slacker, like my Slackers before me

By the way, this thread is crap, this should be closed immediatly and everyone who posted here shuld be banned.

When dealing with genocide, you must ask yourself,
"What would Hitler do?"
And then, you know, do the opposite.
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Registered: Jul '99

Date Posted: 5/8/00 9:49pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
You know, I've got something like 1900 posts on the SC, but I've never once posted in a Slacker thread on the JC...

...Until now. Can you feel the sudden infusion of baldness & laziness into this thread?

Vote Farber!
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Registered: Dec '99

Date Posted: 5/8/00 10:30pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
Bald Guy?

-----signature----- To the Internet Drama Cave!
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Registered: Jun '99
Date Posted: 5/8/00 10:51pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
it's baldy.

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Darth Dark Helmet
Title: Manager Emeritus
Registered: Dec '99
Date Posted: 5/8/00 10:57pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
Wow, now this truly is a thread that needs to be closed.

When dealing with genocide, you must ask yourself,
"What would Hitler do?"
And then, you know, do the opposite.
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Registered: Dec '99

Date Posted: 5/8/00 10:59pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
I wish I were oldschool, so I would know what the hell is going on ...

I built my empire out of some crazy garbage called the blood of the exploited working class.
If we kill man, with whom are we to live?
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Registered: Jun '99
Date Posted: 5/8/00 11:04pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
It's almost been a year since the original graced these forums.

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Brad Kan Obi So Cool
Registered: Oct '99

Date Posted: 5/8/00 11:57pm Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
Wow, long time!

Official AOTC Viewing Count = 5
Episode III: May 25th, 2005
Remember Luke, the Force will be with you, always, and if it isn't, just go whine about it, you always seem to get your way by doing that
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Low Emotions
Registered: Mar '00

Date Posted: 5/9/00 12:55am Subject: Re: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
Well it almost cost me my job the other day cause I went into The Man-Bag at work and my boss walked up behind me, but I managed to bring up another window before he saw the image I was looking at


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Registered: Aug '99

Date Posted: 6/28/00 9:57pm Subject: RE: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
Hi happy


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Registered: Dec '99
Date Posted: 6/29/00 7:46am Subject: RE: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
buncha effing degenerates...



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Sandfarmer IV
Registered: Sep '99

Date Posted: 6/29/00 8:15am Subject: RE: Star Wars May Cost Me My Job
I am temporarily lifting my snowbard boycott to say



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